5/1 Purgatory

QIC: Undertow

Date: 5/1/2021

PAX: Burlap, DDay, Spamalot, Lemming, Bluto, Green Acres (WD), Boomerang, Parkay, Bulldog, Pony Express, High Cotton, Argyle, Lace, Rust Bucket, Hoptoberfest

Cool May Day, but instead of twirling around the May Pole, we wandered into some scary reaches of the land that is SpeasLand.

First off, WAR-MAR-AMA, spelling out S-W-A-R-M, for the murder hornets. SSHx15, Whirlyx15, AbeX10, aRm swirlies F/B/OH/sealclaps x 10 each.

Next, BURPEE-LAND. Burpees on a tennis court. Oh, the horror. Burpees x 10,8,6,4,2 = 30.

Then PULLUP-LAND (no, not talking about Chucky Cheeses). Pullups x 10,8,6,4,2 = 30.

Followed by an interesting mix of Mike Tysons and environmental awareness. MT x 30, CH Squats x 30.

Next, Medium-Size-Rock Land, or as some know it, Kansas. Curl, Press, SkCr, BentRow, Bus x 15 ea. Mary preview between each set.

Then: LIDO, Running, and Mary. Step up x 15 each side, dips x15, Lunges 10 each side, Repeat. 50% 1/2 way sprint, 100% other half. Mary by committee.

Thank you all, I enjoyed it. Lots of Q-critique was appropriately rewarded with additional rounds of same exercise.