Iron Banjo

QIC: Toe Tag

Date: 5/10/21

PAX: Green Acres (WD), Michael Bolton (WB), Zima, Crash, Rust Bucket, Spam, Wobegon, Tigger, Lace , Toe Tag

Do you hear a banjo? There was much love for the one song with banjo music last week at Double Dutch. So, if one is good then more is better. Right? Some may have said that it was too much of a good thing. Listen to the playlist and make your own decision. 

So, once the music was selected it was time to put together a workout. That was a real challenge since the AO is full of hard chargers who run in and run out and barely break a sweat. There was no way that YHC could push the Pax with simple exercises and find it nice not to have to count reps. So, the timed workout it would be again. 

When the clock hit 0530 we tried to start and the timer would not cooperate. So, after some quick work on the phone we started with the exercises, 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. 

The mission statement and modified core principles (regarding banjos) were given while we were in Plank for the first exercise. 




Run a lap of the parking lot with a trip up the grassy hill 

Step UPs R


Step Ups L

Run a lap of the parking lot with a trip up the grassy hill

Handstand Wall Walk

Wall Sit


Run a lap of the parking lot with a trip up the grassy hill

Dip Jacks 

Box Jumps 

RIPs (Reverse Iclined Plank)

Run to field and run up grassy hill to track and do a lap

Pull Ups


Low Flutter

Run a lap with a trip up the grassy hill

Hanging Leg Raise

Forward Lunge

V Ups

Run a Lap with a trip up the grassy hill

Hanging Twist 

Side Jumps 

American Hammer

Run a lap with a trip up the grassy hill 

Alternating Shoulder Tap

Reverse Lunges 

Horizontal Flutter 

Run back to parking lot 

Plank up to finish up the time 


There were multiple folks (Zima, Crash and Green Acres) ran in and ran out and Rust Bucket and Michael Bolton joined YHC on the pre run as well as running back home after the workout. 

The timer malfunction was bothersome to YHC more than anyone else and will have to get fixed before the next workout. 

The use of the picnic tables and walls may have been a first for the AO. 

The number of familiar songs with a twist made the morning fly by and many Pax were asking for the name of such a prolific group.

The pull ups and hangs were extra work with the wet bars and gave us all a good grip strength workout.

The Dip Jacks and RIPs were crushers for YHC while everyone else seemed to just fly through them. 


YHC took us out giving thanks for us all to have the opportunity and ability to be out and support each other today and asking for us to be the light for good and to be the change that we want to see in the world. 


1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    May 13, 2021 7:01 pm

    Iron Throne has quickly developed into a fan favorite! Thanks for leading TT. The music selection was….interesting. FYI, Green Acres can do one armed BTTW. Seriously.

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