Sometimes You Don’t Make it to the Top

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 4/24/2021

PAX: Drip, Kissinger, Mutton, Spicoli, Cherry Pie, Booboo, Cat Call, Lamb Chop

Twas an overcast morning before the rains of the afternoon would descend, so we decided to get right into it.


20 SSH, 10 Abe Vigoda, 10 Whirly, 10 Cherry Pie Specials forward and back, 15 Imperial Walker

Mosey to the track for a quick lap.

The Thang

5 sets of 5.

5 pull ups, 5 WMDs, 5 Burpees, 5 Jump Squats, 5 WWII, repeat 5 times

Mosey to benches for 7 Layers of Drip (or was it Drip?)

7 dips, 10 LL Step us, 8 Dips, 10 Derkins, 9 Dips, 10 RL Step Ups, 10 Dips, 10 Merkins, 9 Dips, 10 Squats, 8 Dips, 10 Erkins, 7 dips, 10 Box Jumps

Mosey to Reynolds Auditorium

10 Mt. Climbers, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Plank Jacks

Mosey to other side of auditorium.

10 Shoulder Tap Merkins, 10 Lt. Dans, 10 Sumo Squats

Repeat X 3

Mosey to Intimidator.

Start at the bottom and do 2 burpees, mosey to next stop sign and do 4, mosey to next, do 6, mosey to the second to last and do 8, then mosey back to start.

Mutton lead us through Mutton Crunch and Cherry Pie led us through full extension crunches and that was time!



Spicoli had a childhood friend pass away. Let us not take any day for granted and if we feel the urge to reach out to someone, don’t make an excuse, just do it!



What a fantastic morning with a wonderful group of men. I thought it was just going to be Drip and me to start off with which would have been great, but then I would have had to increase the Merkin count 10 fold. We stuck together as a group and almost entered a dance competition that Booboo was pushing us to join.

I really enjoy this group and what you all mean to me. Waking up early is not my first choice, but waking up early to see who will join me in the gloom is always my first choice. Looking forward to many more mornings like this one!


Lamp Chop