Good start to the week at VI (and Spicoli was early [on time])!

QIC: Bluto

Date: 4/19/21

PAX: Spicoli, Schneider, The Singing Cowboy, Starfish, Boomerang, See/Sea Man, (B/P)luto

7 PAX gathered for ideal weather early yesterday  morning for VI.  FNG Pluto, FKA Bluto on Q.   Spicoli even arrived on time!


Warm-o-Rama consisted of standard offerings.

The beatdown consisted of some running, Dora, parking lot movements like DB drills, karaoke, Apollo Creed, wall sits and variations thereof, more running and bench work (think dips, Irkins, Derkins, step ups, box jumps), then Mary.

The PAX got their money’s worth to be sure.


MC:  Some laughs that Pluto, not Bluto was Q.  Pluto will always be the 9th planet to Starfish.  Somehow not one mention of Uranus (though all PAX were likely thinking it).

Spicoli as per usual was talking about shooting stars or astronomy or astrology.


Prayer requests:  Starfish’s parents’ transition to a retirement home and their health.  Starfish’s 18 year old niece who is having unusual neurologic symptoms.  Mash and Schneider’s mother battling cancer.


Announcements:  Q school upcoming in May.


YHC took us out.


Strong work by all, especially punctual Spicoli.



