Dora Runs Wild at Purgatory

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 04/17/21

PAX: Bluto, Hoptoberfest, Bloodsport, Wobegon, Splash, High Cotton, THE Pony Express, Lysol, D-Day, Lemming, Undertow, Bulldog, Session (WB), Burlap (WD), Parkay,, Tinker, Airball, Spamalot (QIC)

In preparing for this week’s Q at Purgatory, the idea of doing Dora formulated in my mind.  Then one thing led to another, and poof!  Why not do Dora for the entire workout? YES!

Arriving early enough to strategically place cardboard instructions across the AO, YHC arrived back to the start with enough time to play some Uncle Tupelo.  At least two Pax were impressed (Wobegon and Undertow).  The rest…just do not know enough.  And that is ok.


At 7am the Mission Statement of F3 and the 5 Core Principles were recited, and then it was time for:


DORA – ROUND 1 – Warm o Rama

Exercises:  SSH x 100, Sun Gods x 150, Squats x 200

Running Pax goes to front of school and returns.


Quick check of clock…just about 715..excellent.


Mosey to Lido Deck for:


Exercises: Dips x 100, Erkins x 100, Box Jumps x 100

Running Pax goes down stairs to the PIT and to the wall, touching it and returning.


Before moving on, perform 1 Huckleberry Merkin – 10 count down, 10 count up.


Mosey to Rock Pile for:


Exercises:  Curls x 100, Bent over rows x 150, Chest Press x 200

Running Pax runs lap around island


Return rocks and mosey to backstop for:


Exercises:  LBC x 100, Low Flutter x 100 (double count), Low Dolly x 100 (increased to 200)

Running pax goes to playground and back.


Mosey back to start for Mary:

Mutton Crunches, Penguin Crunches, Dying Cockroaches, Rosalitas, and Plank (maybe 1 or 2 more).





18 strong men today, including 3 2.0s!  Keep coming back.

T Claps to Bluto, Tinker, Lemming, and THE Pony Express for great partner work

Having to pick a new partner each time encouraged the Pax to “get around”

Playlist of Led Zeppelin was well received.

Per my Garmin watch – 2.35 miles covered.  868 calories burned.  Earned that Egg White Grill!

Having Tinker as your partner for Box Jumps is HIGHLY recommended.  He did way more than his share!


Announcement/Prayer Requests

Q School – May 15 at Alcatraz – 7am – Coffeteria to follow on site.

GreeNest – continues each Saturday at 9am.  Hooker led the charge today.  Step up and volunteer, time to give back.

High Cotton saw Plunger recently while visiting an exclusive island.  Plunger is doing well!

Bam is looking for volunteers to set up for medical event on 4/24 at 9:30 am – reach out if interested

Plenty of opportunities to get your vaccine.  If you have not done so, please consider getting it.  Do your part!

Continued prayers for Mongoose’s father as he recovers from hip surgery.

Prayers for all teachers (esp. Bulldog) as students return to in person classes.

FiA and RedEye as they run Ville to Ville today.  You know RedEye, he used to workout with us.


YHC took us out.


Thank you all for a great time this morning.

I appreciate and love you guys more than you know.


