Who checks Slack before 5AM?

QIC: Boomerang and Mongoose

Date: 3/11/2021

PAX: Organ Grinder, Wobegon, Double Wide, Ziggy Stardust, Green Acres (WD), Mongoose (co-Q), Pony Express, Total Recall, Airball (WB), Boomerang (co-Q)

As the PAX began to arrive in the gloom, a strange sense of a missing Q began to sink in with YHC.  Mongoose also mentioned no preblast from the scheduled Q-Burns. Had YHC mixed up the calendar or had the scheduled Q overslept?? Doubts continued to nag the YHC for the rest of the workout. Well I guess the site Q steps in but Mongoose stepped up  and offered to get us started with the warmarama (thanks Mongoose!). Great, now YHC has time to plan the rest of the workout.

Warmarama consisted of some of the standards-SSH, Abe Vigodas, Hillbillies, Seal Claps and Whirlies with the Clap.

Mosey to the rock pile and chose a sufficient size rock for the planned workout.  Back to the gate, partner up for some Rock Dora.  While partner 1 does the called exercise, partner 2 runs to the parking lot cut through does 5 burpees and returns. Swap with partner 1 and continue until all the exercises are completed.

Rock Dora Exercises 100 Curls for the Girls, 200 Skull Crushers (crowd pleaser) and 300 OH Press.

Return rocks and head to the wall. PAX takes the People’s Chair, holding in place as each PAX does 15 Jack Reachers. Next PAX holds plank as each PAX does 10 Mike Tysons.

Mosey back to start for Mary-YHC is fuzzy here on the exercises but we did end with 5 burpees.


Amazing Race happens at Purgatory (already done). Burlap is the Q.

Dash Pax Ruckers on Sunday, Pony Express is your Q. Remember to spring forward!!

Prayer Requests:

Mongoose’s dad having hip surgery and then taking radiation treatments.

PAX on the IR list-reach out to those out to keep them in the F3 loop and to encourage them.

YHC’s sister scan and doctor visit next week-having issues with her cancer and treatment.

YHC took us out.

Mongoose thanks for starting us off.

Lots of compliments (or complaints) on the Rock Dora, I think!

Airball continues to get after it since he began.  Keep at it man!

Mongoose had some additional plans to torture the PAX, but held back, so join him on 6/10 and see what is in store.

After the workout YHC did check Slack and Burns had sent a message at 4:51AM that he was not able to make the Q as he was under the weather.  So yes, who checks Slack before 5AM, obviously not YHC!! PAX were notified of the message.