This workout was the TITs

QIC: Poncho

Date: 3/29/21

PAX: Zuckerburg, Burns (WB), Zima, VG, Workbench, Crash, Green acres (WD), Huckleberry, Michael Bolton

On Sunday morning my phone calendar reminded me of my Q duty at Iron Throne that was dolled out to me about 3 months ago (before the site even started). Luckily, I lived right beside the site Q to confirm this appointment – it was true (this was in the morning). Later that day, site Q came limping out into the cul de sac claiming an ankle roll injury from a jump rope/dog chasing combo – Coincidence? Only kidding, during COT we sent prayers for a speedy recovery for our beloved site Q, Tigger.


4 stations every 100 meters around the track (10 reps, 20 reps (weight station), 30 reps, and 40 reps

Each time pass a station due the rep and the exercise – cumulatively (i.e. exercise 1, then exercise 1 and 2, then 1,2,3 . Etc..

Q planned for LACE to show so overshot the workout with 6 exercises per station. We made it 5 times through

Station 10 Reps

1) Burpees (10 Reps x 5 laps = 50)

2) Speed Skaters (10 Reps x 4 laps = 40)

3) Split Squats (Anna Katherine’s?) (10 Reps x 3 = 30)

4) Plank Jacks (10 x 2 = 20)

5) Pull ups (10)

Station 20 Reps (DB, KB or Coupon)

1) Curls (20 x 5 = 100)

2) Skull Crushers (20 x 4 = 80)

3) KB Swings (20 x 3 = 60)

4) Goblet Squats (20 x 2 = 40)

5) Thruster (20)

Station 30 Reps

1) Merkin (30 x 4 = 120)

2) Mountain Climbers (30 x 3 = 90)

3) Jump Squat (30 x 2 = 60 (F$*K)

4) Shoulder Taps (30)

Station 40 Reps

1) LBC (40 x 4 = 160)

2) Mutton Crunch/Single Count (40/40 x 4 = 240)

3) Freddy Mercury (40 x 2 = 80)

4) Heels to heaven (Omaha 20 )

*Ran roughly 1-1.25mi while completing


– Caught crap about the TIT acronym, so much so that most forgot weights. VG luckily keeps a planet fitness in the bed of truck.

– Speaking of, VG, slipped down the hill with a coupon, hit his abs and put a crack in the cinder block

– Zima said twitter was for Millennials. At 42, that’s cutting it close.

–  Michael Bolton had the clock set and made sure the Q knew it was 6:15

– Zuck rolled in on time for Zuck, claims being early but couldn’t find us.

– Burns had enough announcements and calendar reminders well into 2025 and Q didn’t catch them all. I’m sure they’re on Slack

Q took us out