Learning to Count to 5

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 3/16/21

PAX: Van Gogh, Drip, Cheese Steak, Burns, Huckleberry, Turn Over, Bevo, Honey Badger, Work Bench, Lamb Chop

I learned yesterday, while texting with Burns, that I had the Q this morning, despite the fact that I told Burns I was going to sleep in and stay dry…Guess Bevo had different plans for me.

So I scrambled and came up with the idea of counting to 5.


Mosey to the top of the parking deck.

20SSH, 6 Abe Vigoda, 5 Merkins, 5 Peter Parkers, 5 shoulder press merkins (I always forget what these are called but basically down dog merkins just focussing on your shoulders), 5 WWII or LBC, 5 Sumo Squats, 5 Lt. Dans. Mosey back to bottom.

The Thang

Today I decided to teach the Pax how to count to 5. It was a good thing too because not a one of them was any good at it.

Go to a cross beam, 1 Pull Up. 5 Merkins, 5 Peter Parker, 5 shoulder press merkins, 5 WWII or LBC, 5 Sumo Squats, 5 Lt. Dans.

Go to next cross beam, 2 Pull Ups, then 10 of the rest.

Next 3 Pull Ups, 15 of the rest. Then 4 and 20 and 5 and 25. Mosey to the top. 5 Burpees. Mosey back down.

Then start with 3 Pull Ups and 3 of the rest. 4 Pull Ups, 6 of the rest. 5 and 9, 6 and 12, 7 and 15.

That is a total of 40 pull ups, and 120 of all the other exercises.



Basically nobody spoke. Nobody chatted congenially. Nobody said a friendly word. Drip was kind of smiling, but not really. But also nobody complained or said anything mean. Other than Van Gogh of course. You can always count on the curmudgeon to say something. Of course I did LBCs instead of WWII so he told me I was cheating and should try harder…



Marble Arch Marathon from Star Fish house. Look on Slack. Cherry Pie has the Q at Conspiracy tomorrow for his 60th birthday celebration/St. Patrick’s Day.

Prayers – Prayers for Nightstick’s family member who has cancer. Prayers for everyone suffering from anxiety, depression, loneliness, isolation. Reach out to someone.


Lamb Chop

1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    March 16, 2021 1:27 pm

    Sorry to miss but this looked like Zima’s similar but different workout from a few weeks ago so I’m not super sorry.

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