No Q at VI

QIC: Schneider SubstiQ

Date: 2-15-21

PAX: Starfish, Wobegon, DQ, TSC, Schneider

2 pax for a 2 mile EC run 5 for the beatdown. No Q (says he didn’t know he was scheduled, site Q fail) Doesn’t Slackbot send out a reminder? Never fear YHC had a backup plan in the truck.

Warmup: SAH, Steve Earls, Arm Swirly F/B, hold Overhead Claps, hold Seal claps, standing hamstring stretch L over R/ R over L, mosey to upper shelter for Mtn. Climbers, Peter Parker’s.

The Thang: YHC has a 12 sided die with exercise and reps on it. Each pax took turns rolling. After 2 cycles we ran a lap around the parking lot. (3 laps).

Mary: LBC, Penguin Crunch, Alabama Prom Dates, Low Flutter, mosey back to vehicles for COT.

Announcements: 60 Minutes has GreeNest Saturday and could probably use another truck and help.

Blood drive is Saturday. Spots are still available men and women.

Prayers: YHC and Mash’s cousin with the loss of newborn.

Cowboys family with the loss of his MIL.

Starfish’s parents with the adjustments of moving into a retirement/assisted living home.

Cowboy took us out.

SHAMLESS PLUG: If you haven’t checked out the bourbon barrel items offered through Rickhouse Ramblings ETSY store Barrel Proof Provision please do so. The link is below. These items were made from the barrel of bourbon they hand selected from Ragged Branch Distillery. This is your chance to get a piece of the barrel from the delicious bourbon so many of us purchased from them.