
QIC: Schneider

Date: 2/24/2021

PAX: 60 minutes, Splash, Turnover, Suede, Webelo- former FNG Adam, Sassy, Crash, Pony Express, Sheriff Woody- moved from Raleigh, Workbench, Sour Mash, High Cotton, Schneider

YHC gave a very poor version of the mission statement with an FNG being present this morning. Then jumped right into the warmup up of SSH, Steve Earls, Abe Vagota, Whirly w/clap, Arm Swirly F/B, hold Overhead Clap, hold Seal Clap, Mtn Climbers.

The Thang: Mosey to parking lot at maintenance shelter for Dora. A few pax stated  I called the exercises in the wrong order so I adjusted for 100 merkins,200 LBC’s,300 squats. Mosey to end of lot and pick a large rock for R leg step ups, irkins, dips, derkins,dips, L leg step ups. Mosey up to rock pile and choose a rock of your liking for curls,overhead press, bent rows,Greg Louganis, bench press, upright rows,skull crusher. Return rock. Mosey back to parking lot for Mary via the dark scenic route.

Mary by comity: Freddy Mercury, Box Cutter, Low Flutter, Burpees, American Hammer, Heels to Heaven, MuttonCrunch L over R, R over L. Fin.

Announcements: Blood drive was a success and the Red Cross is asking for another.
GreeNest needs volunteers see Starfish.

Prayers: Splash coworker struggling with aftermath of Covid

Webelos uncle diagnosed with Covid

The Kernersville police officer that was shot multiple times earlier this week.

Former FNG Adam got his name as he was prepared with a Mary exercise without help from the pax in attendance. Boy Scout was mentioned but we decided that wasn’t embarrassing enough. Suede brought him out and is a co worker.

Welcome Sheriff Woody who is a neighbor of Suedes and has moved here from Raleigh where he was named.

Suede took us out.