FYI Lots of Diarrhea

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 2/24/21

PAX: Mutton, Toot, Snooki, Razzie, Post Hole, Palin, Lamb Chop

After receiving a text last evening from Cheese Steak informing me that he could not Q due to the fact that his cat had excessive diarrhea (I mean, this might be the most legit excuse ever and I am hopeful the cat is on the mend now for both its sake as well as for Cheese Steaks cleaning supplies sake), I stepped in to lead the fearless PAX on an exploration of the number 7 #SiteQDuties.

I started by letting the PAX know that today is my 3 year anniversary with my beautiful bride Fleece (thanks Spicoli) and therefore we would do 7s.

Warm O Rama

15 SSH

15 Imperial Walkers

15 Whirly

10 Arm Circle Forward and Back

15 Overhead Clap

6 Abe Vigoda


The Thang

Mosey to the track for a quick lap, then off to the pull up bars for 7.

7 exercises, 7 reps, 7 times.

7 Pull Ups

7 Lt. Dans

7 Burpees (no, I did not do these H.O.G. …)

7 Merkins

7 Peter Parkers

7 Mountain Climbers

7 WWIIs (no, I did not do these H.O.G. …)

Run to the tunnel (BUT DO NOT ENTER), run back and repeat.

Once completed, Toot said, “Oh man, guess we don’t have time for 7 Layers of Dip.” “HA!” I scoffed.

7 Layers of Dip

7 Dips, 7 Erkins, 7 Dips, 7 Merkins, 7 Dips, 7 Derkins, 7 Dips, 7 Freddy Murcs, 7 Dips, 7 Freddy Penguins, 7 Dips, 7 of something I forgot 7 Dips, 7 Low Flutter.

Mosey back to start for the Toot special. Plank, 2 merkins, 3 merkins, 5 merkins, 1 20 count merkins. Time!

Announcements: Mutton has the Q at IS. Be there if you can. This guy always gives you your moneys worth.

Prayers for this country, for our work places, for our neighbors, and for our families.



Cheese Steak, I hope your cat is doing better. If I was in your situation, I could not handle it. I would throw up every time I had to clean up the stuff (true story).

Not too much mumble chatter other than Palin constantly telling me when I was not doing the burpees “If you can’t do it, don’t Q it”, to which I responded, “My parents always taught me to do as I say, not as I do.” So Palin, you can stuff it! Fantastic having Snooki back out in the doom and gloom. I won’t say that he has lost a step, however, there are a few PAX out there that might be able to finally give him a run for his money. We also learned that Toot told his girlfriend (now wife) back in Dental School that he couldn’t go out to bars any more because Dental School was a 24 hour job and he was going to finish first in his class. Well, he said he finished in the same zip code as the person who finished first in his class, whatever that means.


Thanks Lamb Chop, I left the keys…oh wait…?


Lamb Chop