
QIC: Mutton

Date: 01/13/2021

PAX: Mutton, Cherry Pie, Lambchop, Deuce, HOG, Cheesesteak, Red Baron, Razzie

The poor souls who showed for Conspiracy this morning had no idea of what they were in for.  Razzie arrived late and I am sure wished he had kept on driving.  After a quick warm up run to corner by the Y, the Pax reconvened at the base of the Intimidator for some warm-a-rama.  The usual stuff, Side Straddle Hop, IST, Abe Vigoda, Whirlies but no Arm Swirly Things as to keep Cherry Pie in a cheerful mood.

The Thang:

Basically, we ran a modified suicide up the Intimidator 4 times.  We stormed the top followed by 20 Burpees.  We moseyed together to the bottom for 2 rounds of Mary.  Back to the 2nd to last stop, 20 Burpees followed by a mosey back and another 2 rounds of Mary.  We did this two more times with each climb being just a bit shorter than the prior.

Round 2.  Mosey to the playground where the Pax split in two.  4 Pax performed 25 reverse rows on the swing set while the other 4 completed 20 more Burpees.  After completing the 20 Burpees, the Pax was instructed to perform Squats as we continued to alternate on the swings until a total of 70 Reverse Rows were complete.  They look easy, but after about 15, things get tough.

A quick run back to the parking lot left two minutes for stand up Mary.

Not a lot of mumble chatter the when you are sucking wind running up the Intimidator.  A rumor was spread that we would only go up three times, but that was dispelled quickly.

Class notes:  Beverly has his 43 miler on Saturday.  Beginning at 8 at Kimberly Park.  Please support this fundraiser for Hope.

YHC took us out praying for peace within our country and wisdom and reconciliation from our leaders.