The Hills are Alive with the Sound of MC

QIC: Turnover

Date: 12.19.20

PAX: Root Canal (WD) , Mutton , Spicoli , Cat Call , Drip , Post Hole , Lambchop , Former FNG Trickle (WB) , D-Day , Turnover (Q)

The sub-freezing temperatures weren’t enough to keep these 10 PAX in the #FartSack and away from the mothership for YHC’s first Q at #IS in quite some time. YHC was fresh off of attending @Huck’s Q the week prior at #IS that included 100 burpees and some unspeakable things done on the Intimidator. So my only real objective for this beatdown was to not repeat any of that crap. Let’s check it out.

0700 hits and we’ve got 9 PAX gathered. “Great!”, the Q thought to himself, “the perfect number of guys for the 3 man grinder I have planned.” (Announcer voice: “but there would not be the perfect number of PAX for a 3 man grinder by the time they got there”)

Warm O Rama consisted of anything and everything I could think of to get the blood moving as quickly as possible. It was dang cold out there.

After a few of the usual suspects, we mosey to the track and around to the back straight away.

The plan was called the “Crazy Mile” where PAX would mosey from the back straight away to turn 1. Bear crawl 100M from turn 1 to turn 2. Mosey to the middle of the front stretch for 25 Merkins. Mosey to turn 3. Lunge walk 100M from turn 3 to turn 4. Mosey back to where we started for 25 squats. Do this 4 times for 1 mile total, 400M of bear crawls, 400M of lunge walks, 100 Merkins and 100 squats. We made it half way before YHC realized that this was going to take longer than I anticipated and I had so much other fun stuff planned for us to get to. Would hate for anyone to miss out. Right about the time we were finishing our 2nd lap of the crazy mile, PAX #10 arrived. I’ll give you one guess on who that was.

Mosey over to Education hill for a 3 man grinder. P1 stays at the bottom of the hill to perform Bonnie Blairs, P2 and P3 bear crawl to top of hill to small lot. P2 stays at top for Mike Tysons, P3 runs down sidewalk to relieve P1.

Grinder Exercises:

Bottom: Bonnie Blairs, Copperhead Squats, Bobby Hurleys, Sumo Squat

Top: Mike Tysons, Dive Bombers, WMDs, HR Merkins

Once all PAX got through each station once, we moseyed to the benches (or “Bond Money B*tches” as @Drip likes to call them) by the playground.

All the benches had frost on them so the next two exercises were a no-go. HOWEVER, thank goodness for the short retaining wall directly adjacent to the benches!

On the retaining wall: 25 Dips OYO immediately followed by 25 box jumps OYO (let the record show that everyone loved the box jumps). Once all PAX finished, we got a 10 count from @Drip and repeato’d.

Mosey to………Pilot View.

@ Corner of PV and West End – 25 Freddie Mercs (DC) OYO

@ Corner of PV and Carolina – 25 Penguin Crunches (DC) OYO

@ Corner of PV and Jersey – 25 Cobra Crunches (DC) OYO

Running short on time so mosey back to launch



Announcements: F3 Blood Drive is Feb 20th at the Red Cross donation center from 9:30am – 2:00pm. Download the Red Cross App. Search “Dash” and join the team.

@Lambchop is taking over Site Q duties at #Conspiracy. Sounds like the Q calendar for Q1 is full, but reach out and sign up.

@Plunger’s Parting Party at #Purgatory is Dec. 26th.

Donate to GreeNest

Prayer Requests: N/A

YHC took us out thanking Him for the PAX that posted and asking for the reminder of the true “reason for the season”.


Welcome to former FNG Richmond Griner, now known as Trickle. Trickle is the 2.0 of #IS Site Q @Drip. Drip had been trying to get Trickle out for quite some time, and finally wore him down enough to get him to post…..when it was 27 flippin’ degrees outside. Further research into the matter revealed that Trickle’s post was intended as a Christmas present to Drip. (don’t let him off that easy, @Drip). Trickle put in some serious work for his first post. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree at all, as he was smiling, chatting with @Lambchop and really seemed to be enjoying himself the entire time. Which was, as it is every time @Drip does the exact same thing, a little annoying. Welcome Trickle! Great work, man. We better see you out in the gloom again soon!

@Spicoli went Full Spicoli and arrived at the track around 7:20. When we wrapped up our 2 crazy mile laps, we tried to find him on the other side of the track, only to find that he had just finished doing the 100M bear crawl. What an animal. Love getting to post with this guy. He is as pleasant as they come.

YHC was very disappointed in how unfazed @PostHole was by the Crazy Mile, particularly the 100M bear crawl. YHC was huffing around like a wounded water buffalo when Post Hole came flying up in the next lane, trying to initiate casual conversation asking YHC about his job. I think I got in a “It’s going good” in between gasping for air before he blew by me.

Was great seeing @Cat Call again. I believe we had only met one other time, but was great to post with him. Let me just say…..this guy posted in 27 degree weather WITHOUT GLOVES and didn’t even blink. That is some psycho level stuff, but wildly impressive. However, it was a real missed opportunity on his part and everyone elses part to not go with the “You’ve had two pairs of gloves this whole time?? Yeah, we’re in the Rockies”.

Every time I write a backblast for a Q where @Drip and/or @Mutton post, I feel like I’m in the twilight zone because I end up writing the same dadgum thing. @Drip: incredibly cheery, no complaining, complimenting the Q, zero signs of fatigue. @Mutton: all business, no complaining, look of disappointment that he’s not challenged by my Q’ing, zero signs of fatigue. I mean…..what a couple of studs. #Respect

@Lambchop was his normal talkative, dominating self. YHC overheard some of his conversation with Trickle about greek life at Carolina among other things. Brought me back to my fraternity days at Appalachian.  He did have a great name suggestion for Trickle. Paying homage to the Baily Park establishment “Li’l Dipper”, he suggested Trickle’s name should be “Li’l Dripper”. YHC appreciated the creativity and shout out to a local establishment.

@D-Day was grinding all morning. Put in some serious work. Great job, my man.

@Dr Toot – what to even say here? This guy posts several times a week. Almost always the WD. He’s the guy that was dragging all of us up Pilot View at the end of the workout. If I’m half the beast this guy is when I’m his age, I’ll be doing something right. #HIM

And would you look at that? Not a single burpee was called for. See @Huck? It is possible.

Always an honor to lead these men. Thanks for the keys, @Drip. I think I left them somewhere on Pilot View.