I Did This to Myself

QIC: Turnover

Date: 12.3.20

PAX: H.O.G. , Burns (WB) , Bevo , Cherry Pie , Mutton (WD) , Tigger , Turnover (Q)

YHC made it clear in the Pre Blast that this beatdown was going to stink.  YHC had been a bum so far this week and had not posted once before Thursday.  I needed to get my rear in gear and a brutal WIB beatdown was just the thing to do it.  The PAX that posted were collateral damage. They didn’t deserve it, but they chose it themselves. Or maybe it chose them………???

Warm Up

The Usual Suspects


3 Stations, 3 exercises + a bonus exercise at each

Spoiler Alert: the Bonus exercise at each station was Burpees

PAX would perform (6, 12, 18) reps of each prescribed exercise at each station, and then perform 10 Burpees at each station.

Station 1


Sumo Squats

Flight Attendants

Regular Burpees

Station 2 

Crucible Merkins

Jump Squats

Penguin Crunches (Cheesesteak-style DC)

HR Burpees

Station 3

Mike Tysons

Rocking Chair Lunges


Spider Burpees (@Cherry Pie quickly proclaimed that these were in fact called “Berkins”, but YHC wasn’t buying it. We’re calling them Spider Burpees)

Round 1: 6 reps of each exercise +10 Burpees at each station

Round 2: 12 reps of each exercise + 10 Burpees at each station

Round 3: 18 reps of each exercise + 10 Burpees at each station

All PAX got through at least the round of 18.


Announcements: Every AO needs Q’s. Please reach out to respective Site Q’s and get yourself on that Q Calendar! ; Iron Throne launching 1.4.2021

Prayer Concerns: @Spam’s father, all PAX currently on IR, don’t forget to reach out to guys you haven’t seen in a while.

YHC took us out thanking Him for our blessings and asking for wisdom and discernment.


T Claps to all who posted. That was not an easy beatdown and all assembled HIM’s dominated it.

No telling how many laps @H.O.G. got through. He left all of us (with @CP chasing him) very early on.

Quality 2nd F was had in the “non-HOG/CP group”. Our conversation ranged from new site Q’s to facial hair (or lack thereof) to under-mount sink installation to a beautiful story about how @Bevo and his M may or may not have killed their family dog whilst……..you know.

All PAX agreed that YHC needs to work on his marketing skills.

I sincerely appreciate everyone who posted. I deeply needed the push that this group provided today.

Thanks for the keys, @Burns. Should I give them back to you orrrrrrrrr………?


1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    December 3, 2020 3:25 pm

    In what universe does bonus equal burpees?

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