Box o’ Derkins (and rocks!)

QIC: Green Acres

Date: 12/17/2020

PAX: Ziggy Stardust (WB), Boomerang, Green Acres (WD, Q)

Three Pax got some fresh air this morning at TRQ. Maybe Q shouldn’t have preblasted about revisiting Huck’s Box o’ Derkins. 😳🤷‍♂️  Anyhoo, we started with 10-17 each of SSH, Imp Walkers, AV, Whirly, Arm Circles, OH claps, merkins, and squats. Then to the brick planter Box. Twelve derkins on each of the 4 sides, walking on hands around the box. Made it all the way this time!  Then 12 squat jumps each side, bunny-hopping our way around. Then 12 x 4 Erkins and more hand-walking, and then Howling Monkeys with 2 rounds of 17 humpers each.
Made our way down the parking lot by bear crawl alt with lunge walking from island to island, so each mode twice. Then mosey to pre-warmed rocks. Things with rocks:  Sumo squat curls, OH press, BO rows, skull crushers, American hammers, chest press, all IC x 20. Then repeated same IC x 10. Mosey back to start for Mary. LBC’s, low flutter both IC x 20, then mutton crunch IC x 12 ea side, done.

Ziggy and Boomerang crushed errthing. Thank you Huckleberry for dastardly Box o’ Derkins idea. Enjoyed the fellowship. Boomerang offered a prayer for healing for Covid patients (some in his and other F3 families) and being thankful for our blessings.
Boomerang, I might have left the keys in the brick box.