2020 has Redlined

QIC: Resistor

Date: 12/29

PAX: Balco, Winklevoss, Whirly, Greenspan, Manscape, H.O.G, Mongoose, Total Recall, Booboo

Last Redline of 2020 … and it was down to business at 0529. One lap around Hanes , up and down Pilot view, Brookstown and Clover then to the tracks for 800 and 400s.

I got 4.75 miles …most got more !

Booboo joined us with his canine friend. Also a pleasure to have Mongoose join us, hope he comes back. Great to have some fastholes push all of us , makes Redline redline.

It’s been quite a year and I’ll leave it at that .

Beverly is tackling 43 miles for his birthday , join him 1/16 at Kimberly park and the donations to Hope go up.

OG is on this Friday but finish time will be 8am.

I forgot to have a namorama this morning. Massive Q fail ! Hope I got

Happy new year !