12 Days of Blocks


Date: 12/29/2020

PAX: Boomerang, Zima, Wobegon, Sgt. Shultz, Valero, Drama Queen (WD)

Forgive me for the brief and straight to the point BB.  Much like all the PAX were at this AO.

We met in the usual spot and voted on the music of choice.  Did some SSH and then moseyed to pick up some blocks.  Each PAX was to get a block of choice (some were half cinder block and some chose the full ones), then travel back to meeting location where the Q had laid out papers with exercises on them.   Aligned with basically a full parking space for each exercise, the PAX lined up in a straight line looking at 12 spaces marked out in front of them like a latter.


Commence for Bevo’s 12 Days of Christmas (w/ a present):

Exercise was to proceed to this order…Day 1, Day 2 then 1, Day 3, 2 then 1…just like the song.  Walk with block over head on your way out to the high numbered days and work your way back to Day 1.  The number of the Day equals the number of reps to be done with that exercise.

Day 1 = Blockee

Day 2 = Thursters

Day 3= Bent Over Rows

Day 4= Jump Over the Blocks

Day 5 = High Pulls

Day 6 = Block Press Overhead

Day 7 = Goblet Squats

Day 8= Lunges

Day 9= Curls

Day 10= WW2 (with or without the block)

Day 11 = Alt Block Merkins (once on each arm counts as 1…22 merkins total)

Day 12 = Burpees (some did these as Blockees)


We actually finished before time which the Q did not think was possible.  So we did Mary EMOM.


Thanks for these 6 guys for coming out and putting up with the Q’s imagination.  These men were absolute BEAST!!


Ziggy, you were missed but the keys are in the stack of cinder blocks if you are curious.