Iran So Far

QIC: Closer

Date: 11/20/20

PAX: Palin, Boo Boo, Burlap, The Singing Cowboy, BAM, Mutton, Bout Time, Glazer, VanPelt, Red Eye, Juice Box, Turnover, Huckleberry, Greenspan, Winklevoss, Interference, Balco, Pancho, Zuckerberg, Litterbox, Beverly and Closer

In preparation for my Q this Friday of OGs and Tractors I had a song running through my head thanks to the 2013 SNL digital short. And Iran, Iran so far away.  This now begs the question who in the PAX are best suited to be part of the SNL cast or a special guest.  Could Mongoose have played the Adam Levine role?  We know Beverly has the acting skills, but can he sing/rap like Andy Samberg.  Could Zuckerberg sing Adam Sandler’s Turkey song?  Could BAM have added more cowbell like Will Farrell? We know that Bluto is already perfect for the Blues Brothers, but who should be his Elwood?  And most importantly, who is our Chris Farley singing Fat Guy in a Little Coat?  Please take this conversation to the comment section, Twitter, Slack or what electronic communication service you prefer.

22 PAX gathered to run in the cold.  It was 36 degrees which was just above VanPelt’s threshold so he dragged JuiceBox and Glazer around the course.  We passed the new casa de Boo Boo and he even remembers his house number.  The OG route had a few more early hills than YHC expected, but the descent over the final 2 miles was a nice way to finish.  Always enjoy having a convergence of Tractors and OGs in the home stretch as well.  Strong work to all who turned out.

Some one needs to check in with ‘Bout Time to figure out if he’s determined whether is 47 or 48.  It one of those for sure.

Also some one needs to check in with Balco to make sure he didn’t fall asleep on the ride home.  Jon Yoder “yawn” 43 “yawn” Balco “yawn”


Here are the routes:




Prayed for upcoming Thanksgiving holiday that is going to be different.  Asked for grace, understanding and patience especially this year as families are making tough decisions because of Covid.  Pray that we as the PAX can share Love, Grace, Peace, Truth and Justice!


RNG 11/23 – Cheerio is on Q

BNW 11/25 – Balco is on Q

OG 11/27 – Red Eye is on Q and watch for twitter for a late start option