The Phoenix Comes to The Outhouse

QIC: Turnover

Date: 10.19.20

PAX: Huckleberry , Zima , Little Piggy (WB) , Greenspan , Lace (WD) , Turnover (Q)

This was the first chance YHC has had to Q the new-ish format adopted at #TheOuthouse.  An IPC-like beatdown that will be performed 3 consecutive months. A true You vs. You battle.  I’m not sure about the rest of y’all, but YHC had had enough of the Murder Bunnies lately, so those got left out.  A throwback to Week 3 of IPC 2019 was the format for today. Meter’s 43 as they liked to call it. Check it out:

We warmed up with SSH’s and Abe V’s in an expeditious fashion. During which the mission statement and core principles were stated, as well as YHC’s attempted deflection of a @Greenspan barb regarding the Braves/Dodgers game the night before.

43 minutes on the clock, 5 exercises, a cinder block, what could go wrong? PAX would perform indicated exercises in sequence and then perform 1 set of suicides down the width of the tennis courts.

10 Jump-Over-Block Burpees

15 Block Thrusters

20 Curls

25 Bent Over Rows

30 Low Flutter (DC)

– Suicides-

AMRAP for 43 minutes



Huckleberry has #Flatline tomorrow

YHC took us out thanking Him for the fellowship that F3 provides.


There was a solid amount of MC this morning even though everything was OYO. @Zima was in attendance, so that explains it.

Speaking of which, @Zima at some point decided the regular suicides just weren’t enough for him, so he started toting his cinder block with him while running the suicides. Mad Man.

@Zima also didn’t seem to care for the musical selection this morning. Which is ridiculous because the playlist used this morning was arguably the greatest playlist in the history of F3 Winston Salem: A modification (see: improvement) to @Burns’ playlist from Week 1 of IPC this year. Zima was a big fan of when the speaker stopped working. There’s no pleasing that guy.

@Greenspan loved the playlist (although he wasn’t sure how many of the songs he could share with his 2.0’s) and was laying down some serious work and got in on the “make the exercise tougher even though nobody said you had to” act and incorporated his cinder block into his Low Flutters.

@Little Piggy was at the other end of the line from YHC, but it was easy to tell, even from afar, that he was absolutely flying all morning. Strong work!

It was noted that @Huckleberry had the best form on his Thrusters.  And right around the 13 minutes-to-go mark, he even offered to spend the rest of the time trying to figure out why my speaker quit working. What a guy.

@Lace stole the show today by being AT LEAST 2 full rounds ahead of everyone else.  5 PAX were slogging through the exercises, wishing they were dead, and @Lace was just down at the end cruising through the reps, not a care in the world, having the time of his life.  What an animal. And then he drops a humble-brag on us in the CoT that he’s going to hike the Linville Gorge for 3 days this week. Just rub it in our faces, why don’t you. The way I see it: if you smoke the rest of the assembled PAX as bad as he smoked us all today, you can humble brag until you’re blue in the face. Great work, Lace!!

Thanks for the keys, @Greenspan. Always an honor to lead. Looking forward to this ridiculousness again next month.