Who wants some Pez?

QIC: Bevo

Date: 09/29/2020

PAX: Ramseies, Winkle Vos, Balco, Greenspan, Resistor, Manscape, Total Recall, Palin, Bevo

Started our with a little unorthodox warmarama for Redline.  Then we went on the traditional mile+ run around Hanes.

Came back for a impromptu Namarama so everyone knew each other’s name.  And now since there were no strangers, candy was handed out.  BRICK PAVERS…2 per PAX. Then we ran to the track.


The Thang:

Partner up…one person stays at the shelter nExit to the track  and did wall sits with pavers, while the other ran the track WITH the pavers.  Once back, they switched.  Once both completed a lap, EVERYONE ran around the track with the pavers!  Once back at the start, drop the pavers and EVERYONE runs the track BACKWARDS (no pavers).


once we completed 2 rounds, we were out of time and met back at the parking lot.



prayes for Goofy and family

Oct. 3rd is Crisis Control Convergence


  • Resistor
    September 29, 2020 8:45 pm

    Good Job. I never would have thought ‘ pavers’ and redline ! But it happened .
    Thank you for the great Q !

  • Spamalot
    October 2, 2020 6:55 am

    Sir, I believe there is a typo in this BB. It seems to suggest that Ramses posted….

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