Elvis Inspired Tabata

QIC: 60 Minutes

Date: 9-17-20

PAX: LiteBrite
Double Glazed
Ziggy Stardust
Organ Grinder
Rust Bucket

YHC was granted the pleasure of Qing TRQ this soggy morning. With my first Q attempt at TRQ resulting in a no show, I was hopeful pax would come get better with me. Pleasantly suprised to have a total of 8 for the day.

Imperial Storm Trooper
Whirely w/clap
Abe Bagota
Arm Swirleys F&B
Seal Clap Mt Climber

Thang – Tabata
Before beginning the workout, YHC asked if there were any music selections. Rust Bucket was the only pax to make a request, so we all obliged and listened to Elvis’ greatest hits for ~35 mins.

1 min exercise, 20 sec rest

LS Lunge
Mt Climber
OH Press
RS Lunge
LS Lat – feet against base of pull with left arm on pole, lean out and pull in with left arm
HR Merkin
Monkey Humper
B. Blaire
RS Lat

Completed 2 full rounds of above then rushed into a few minutes of Mary.

Mutton Crunch
Low Dolly

First for all was working out to Elvis! Not sure about Rust Buckets music selection though.
Good to meet some new but regular pax at TRQ this AM.
Lite Brite felt Greenacres looked sharp this AM sporting the classic wife beater.
SSH for 1 minute straight is 🔥

YHC took us out.
Prayers for peace and all pax.

Boomerang, you can find the keys in Graceland!