The Louvre: Reynolda Estate Style

QIC: Snake Eyes

Date: 8-10-20

PAX: Drip, Cheesteak, HOG, Tigger, Cherry Pie, Dr. Toot, et. al.

I enjoy this day in history themes, but needed to do a bit more to incorporate the Louvre throughout the tour de Reynolda today (nod to Drip’s observance here). As a far stretch, our tour of the path was colored by an artistic display of men’s sweat on pavement (puddles for HOG).

I dreamed that I slept through the Q appointment today, so glad that was not the case, and glad to know F3 has reached such a subconscious place in my life.




Whirly with clap IC

Arm swirly things (forward and reverse)

Abe vagoda IC


Mosy (Cherry pie maybe a little envious of HOG’s quick mosy demonstration)



Lampposts 13

10 plank jack merkins OYO

15 squats OYO

20 Four count low flutters OYO

American Hammer for six


In between lampposts each PAX called at least one mosy to next pole: ranged from reverse lunge, to bear crawl, side bear crawl, crawl bear, high knees, frog jumps, mosy, etc.


Mumble chatter:

Cherry pie’s thorough critique of HOG’s lack of full leg extension was front and center for at least three to four lampposts. Some believe it may have been influenced by Cherry pie working out exclusively with Van Gogh and Zima this past Thursday. Others know Cherry pie is the standard on core work, so no surprising critique of method here. The core work was for you Cherry Pie, good to see you there.

HOG: MR. EC run we could call him, smooth 5k pre-workout, no big deal. He was also excited talking about the Shmed (SP?), really, who gets excited about thousands of reps? Seriously though, anything benefitting Crisis control is exciting. Well done sir.

Dr. Toot: Educating (pun intended) us all on potential retirement strategies: very thought provoking might we say. Maybe not quite as thought provoking as his daughter’s future profession (nuclear chem. exists? Maybe we should invest in whatever she patents) Well done war daddy for the day, and also look forward to Q next Monday at estate.

Cheesesteak: Never disappoints in a workout, especially with 10-ft frog jumps almost trouncing the person in front. Very much appreciated comment about plank jacks getting old, so we switched to burpees for the next pole. Q could do a better job with diversity, little repetitive this morning, so thanks for the artistic flavor here. Well done.

Drip: Solid work throughout, and needed a little more Louvre history, so thought this may get the neurons firing a bit more:   Maybe a future workout from you can include a more thorough-going integration.  Great work.

Tigger: Impressive seeing this man out here with a newborn coming into the world within the last month or so. Not to mention, Q tomorrow at flatline, which sounds as awful as Saban’s language. Well done on showing up and working hard.

YHC was worked hard by all men pushing me to a workout I would not have done otherwise, and it was a pleasure gentlemen.




Housing crisis locally with unemployment running out and evictions rising (prayer here too).



Dr. Toot’s daughter traveling for school

