Some parts of a workout are best borrowed…

QIC: Boomerang

Date: August 18, 2020

PAX: Drama Queen (WD), Ziggy, Drano, Total Recall (WB), Undertow, Sourmash, Harden, 60 Minutes(WB) Schneider, Gojo (FNG), Boomerang (YHC)

When asked to Q sometimes I like to check out prior workouts to add, combine, etc. for a plan Today was one of those days. Credits are to be given to Dr Toot (aka Root Canal) from this week’s Estate and 60 Minutes from this week’s VI. Confession out of the way, this is how it went this cool morning at Parliament.


SSH, Whirlies, IST, Arm Swirlies forward and backwards, Overhead Claps, Moroccan Nightclubs, Hammy Stretches

From 60 minutes-Bear Crawl and Jack Reachers

Partner up and line up across parking lot, first partner group does 4 burpees each (crowd pleaser) while the other teams bear crawl toward the wall, once 4 burpees completed mosey to catch group and next partner group does 4 burpees.  Continue until all partner groups have done one round of burpees.

Que the music at wall, while each holds people’s chair each PAX does 15 Jack Reachers. For a break 10 Mike Tysons, then repeato.  Mosey to blocks.


From Root Canal-12 Exercises (greater than 11, but not as great as ELEVEN)-not exercises, just the number

18 of each OYO

Squats, OH Press, Low Flutters, Curls, Peter Parkers, Skull Crushers, Right Lunge, Monkey Humpers, Diamond Merkins, Left Lunge and Bent Over Rows.

Inch Worm to end of parking spaces-hard to believe some PAX didn’t know this one. Need to get TR to Q more often. Mosey back and repeato of 12 exercises.

Quick mosey back to start for Mary-LBC’s and Mutton Crunches.


Prayer Requests:

Schneider and Mash’s aunt passed away on 8/17, prayers for family

DQ’s client in nursing center in Haywood County, Covid-19 outbreak there with several deaths

Start of new school year


The Schmed 8/28-8/29

YHC took us out.


Many PAX commented on the various counts by YHC, couldn’t figure out pattern. Truth is there wasn’t one, just a lack of focus.

Bear Crawls and Burpees are always a bad combo. But Drano does a fast bear crawl.

Welcome FNG Gojo-rumor is kinfolk with some guy named Lysol (not verified)

Mash always provides reminder that Parliament is a no running AO.

Gojo put out strong work for his first time, nothing seemed to stop him.

TR appeared to be excited that Inch Worm made it into the workout

Schneider said it was hand sanitizer in the bed of his truck, but my gosh the smell, ask Mash

60 Minutes provides to numerous comments thus YHC lost count.

Strong work by the respects-DQ, Undertow and Ziggy (NEW Site Q)!!!

Harden, while late, didn’t disappoint with the delivery of spirits and did a solid workout.

Always an honor to Q this fine PAX. Ziggy or Gucci, the keys are with the school principal as virtual school has officially started.