Pendulum On The Track


Date: 08/18/2020

PAX: Resistor, Valdez, Suede, Manscape, H.O.G., Hitman, Greenspan, Balco, Palin, Winklevoss, Bevo

Thanks to Resistor, Valdez, Suede, Manscape, H.O.G., Hitman, Greenspan, Balco, Palin and Winklevoss for allowing me to come to Redline and change things up a little.

Not so standard Redline Warmarama:

AVs, Deep Lunges and a stroll around the Track.


The Thang:

Partner up…from one corner (Cone 1) of the track partner A will run/sprint COUNTER CLOCKWISE around to track (maybe 300 meters) while partner B recovery walks CLOCKWISE (about 100 meters, maybe a little less) towards the short corner (Cone 2) on the opposite side of the track.  when you cross paths with you partner, Partner A now walks in the same direction they were running towards Cone 1, and partner B now run/sprints around to meet their partner at Cone 1.  The partners NEVER switch directions.  You basically sprint 300 and walk 100.  The goal is to challenge your partner by not letting them get past the cones on their sprints.  #IronSharpensIron

Once you have completed 4 rounds (4 runs each partner), you stop and do 30 Low Flutters (DB) and 30 Superman’s.  Once completed, start over at Cone 1.  Repeat until time.


Announcements:  SHMED!!!!!!!

Valdez and Wife just bought Mrs. Pumpkin!!  Go support them as it is for a good cause.  Proceeds from every purchase goes to a good cause.

Prayers:  Thankful for the Fellowship we are blessed with and yet sometimes take for granted.


Thanks for the keys Resistor…I want to borrow them again in September. 🙂