Tax Day

QIC: Boomerang

Date: 7/15/2020

PAX: Flyby, HOG (WB), DQ (WD), Drip, Pony Express, Posthole, Boomerang

With July 15th as the official extended tax filing deadline, moved from the traditional April 15th deadline due to the COVID, YHC felt it necessary to have a tax day theme as we all love paying taxes!!

YHC arrived early to see that Posthole had already arrived, must have thought there would be refund checks for early risers.  Others began to trickle in and then out of nowhere Flyby appears on foot.

YHC gave the mission statement and 5 core principles and welcomed all to Mayhem.

Normal warmarama, SSH, Arm Swirlies B&F, OH Claps, Seal Claps, Whirlies all at 15 IC to honor the 15th, followed beyAbe Vigoda and stretches.

The PAX were asked to pick a rock that they would enjoy working out with as well as carrying for the entire workout-most appeared to make wise choices. The rock was the tax burden we get to pay each year.

There are 7 tax brackets for individual filers and thus the theme for the workout-10, 12, 22, 24, 32, 35 and 37.

10-Burpees-total 40

12-Low Flutters-total 48

22-Curls-total 88

24-Squats-total 96

32-LBC’s-total 128

35 Monkey Humpers- total 140 (HOG more)

37-OH Press-total 148 (all PAX more)

PAX performed first exercise at each corner of the parking lot (4 quarters of tax payments), then the next exercise and so until we got to the last exercise and then went back down. We didn’t get all the way back down, finishing somewhere between the OH Press and Monkey Humpers.  We carried our rock the entire time.

3 minutes left for MARY-Mutton Crunch and time to spell out IRS!


Strong work by all PAX.

Announcements and Prayer Requests:

Shovel Flag Build-tonight at Pony Express (happening now)

Schmed Event 8/28-29 6PM to 6PM

HOG traveling to Ohio on Saturday to preach next week

Beatty Family-daughter and fiance both have COVID and have a their wedding in August

YHC’s sister dealing with chemo treatments and anxiety around lack of progress

YHC took us out.


DQ wanted to know why they were called quarterly estimated when clearly the 4th quarter has no payment in it-due dates are just a suggestion.

YHC has not worked out with Flyby, but the guy was among the leaders.

HOG was able to lap the PAX-goal accomplished!

Posthole was glad we didn’t spell out Internal Revenue Service

Pony has been hitting a lot of workouts since we reopened F3 and was hitting it hard again this AM

Drip is always impressive, solid work

Always an honor to lead a fine PAX.  Well Done!!

Turnover, keys were accidentally mailed in with my quarterly estimate.  Call 1 87IRS CARES for return instructions!