Redline HHH

QIC: Resistor

Date: 7/7/2020

PAX: Winklevoss, Doublewide, Chomper, HOG, Valdez, Palin

7 took on the Heat, the Humidity and the  Hills.

We warmed up.
We manage to run up and down Clover street too many times, stopping at each stop signs for 10 squats. Then to the track for 200,400,800,400,200.

Nice to see everyone who posted.
My apologies to Doublewide for mistaking him for an FNG. Valdez is a very cool dude who served our country as a Marine. That deserves much more respect the my 56 years !

Chomper mentioned that I need to run 40 miles a week and to make it sound easy he explained that it really does not matter how long my runs are, as long as they total 40 miles a day. Assuming I can run 7 days a week, that’s still 6 miles a day…how is that easier ?

I think Palin said I was rude for calling Doublewide an FNG. HOG seems way too nice to call me rude and volunteered to Q next week !

Winklevoss wants to run more hills, because, well he likes that ! and for the old timers who might read this , no one mentioned Mongoose.

God Bless you all


1 Comment

  • Cody Hoyt
    July 7, 2020 8:57 pm

    Heck of a workout this morning. Great Q!

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