Protecting the Core


Date: 7/27/2020

PAX: Spam, Drip, Cheesesteak, H.O.G

4 Pax started their week by working and protecting what is most important on the human body, the core. As men, the Pax often want people to come to the “Gun Show” or see how strong their legs are, but without a sound and strong core none of that would be possible.



Plank and Yoga Stretches

The Thang

Mosey the bridge

100 LBCs, 75 Gas Pumps, 50 Cobra Crunches

Mosey to the 2nd bridge

50 plankjacks, 50 DC Mountain Climber, 30 Ski Abs, 30 plank touch opposite and to foot

Mosey to first parking lot in WFU

50 IST, 50 2 foot back and forth shuffles, 50, Hillbillies, 50 2 foot side shuffles, 50 Toy Soldiers, 50 Russian leg dances

Mosey back to first bridge

25 each side legs together side crunches, 25 each side Jane Fonda crunches

Mosey to water fountain

30 Legs up in a chair crunches, 30 legs up in a chair alternating side crunches

Find a wall to lay down and put legs straight up

50 wall Alabama Prom Dates, 30 straight leg up crunches, 30 straight leg alt leg crunches

Mosey to start

45 seconds of 2 foot back and forth shuffles



Spam has WIB @ Jamison Park

Drip has UA on Friday

H.O.G has IS on Saturday


The pax stayed together the whole time

Spam and Drip commented that they had never heard 100 LBCs called

Drip said 75 Gas Pumps was harder than the LBCs

Cheesesteak liked the dance move shuffles

All enjoyed the Core centered type workout

1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    July 28, 2020 7:40 am

    Drip commented that it was not that humid at the start of the workout. Pretty sure that changed by the end. HOG – hope the home inspection went well! Strong work by everyone!

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