Getting Lost In The Haze


Date: 07/20/20

PAX: Burlap, Winklevoss, Interference, Cheerio, Juice Box, Mutton

Tabata 30 sec on and 10 sec off x 3
Merkins/Mountain Climbers/LBC
CDD/Plank Jacks/Freddie Mercs
Burpees – one set
Announcements/Prayer Requests – quiet group (except for complaining about exercise choices)
1. Multiple PAX (including YHC) got lost on the almost circular route today.  JB to blame for not having route written down for everyone
2. There were lots of MC about the tabata combinations which I took as compliments.
3. It was mentioned that I will not be asked to Q RnG for at least 2 years.  Again, YHC took that as a compliment.