Hot and Sticky at BnW

QIC: Bluto

Date: 6/10/20

PAX: Manscape, Lace, Tigger, The Singing Cowboy, Zuckerberg, Starfish, Cobra, BAM, TPS, Sassy, Lemming, Closer, Data, Interference, Bluto

15 PAX met in the soupy Gloom at the Pfafftown Food Lion.  Tunes by Bluto’s current favorite bands were played and the PAX got after it.


W-o-R consisted of the standard diet of favorites.


The Thang:

Tabata – 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off x 3 exercises.  PAX then ran to Food Lion and back using various forms of transportation including mosey, running relatively hard, butt kickers, high knees, backwards run and all out sprint.  When the 1st PAX reached the building, all turned around and ran back (so various distances were achieved).

See attached photo of long skinny cardboard box with exercises performed.

Mary and done.


MC:  In a dream the night prior to BnW, YHC was in a choir with Cobra.  Cobra had a Frank Sinatra solo and started dropping F bombs left and right.  It was determined he was intoxicated and thus removed from the stage.  Was it really a dream?

Cobra also likely soiled his shorts as he could be smelled from 50 feet away.  #gifted

Most PAX trying to keep up with Lace on the runs.  Though Tigger and Sassy were strong with the high knees!

Manscape got mouthy as usual.

Learned the origin of Starfish’s M’s license plate that reads “Attaboy”.  See Starfish for details.



GAS-like group to discuss racial reconciliation beginning 6/22.  Mustn’t be fully socially evolved to participate.  All PAX welcome.

Prayer Requests:

  1.  Whirly’s wife who had surgery
  2. Blue Light Special’s wife who had surgery
  3. Sassy’s friend diagnosed with AML
  4. Data’s coworker with stage 4 cancer doing well
  5. BAM’s family taking awesome-sounding trip out west


YHC took us out.


Always a pleasure to lead!

