We Are Back…Barely


Date: 5/11/2020

PAX: Retractable, Undertow, Bam, Cheesesteak, H.O.G

5 pax made it to the reopening of the Estate. YHC, who was the Q also, barely made it. The alarm or phone for some reason did not charge and died last night. Luckily for the Q the ole internal clock was ready to wake up just in time to make it.



Toy Soldier


Abe Vigoda

Arm Swirly Things

The Thang

Mosey to Reynolda church parking lot for lines

run to first line

5 Merkins, 10 shoulder taps, 15 plank jump in and outs, 20 plank punches, 25 plank jacks

run back to start for 1 burpee

Then 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

then same thing for lines 6-10

just change to

5 squat jumps, 10 Bonnie Blair’s, 15 squats, 20 IST, 25 SSH

Then mosey to back of church to small circle

bear crawl half way then run lap and half while others do Mary

mary exercises

LBC, Dying Cockroack, penguin crunch cheesteak style, Heals to heaven, Freddy Mercury

mosey to fountain back at the estate for

5 count cadence of

dips, dips right leg up, left leg up, reverse dips, derkins, derkin shoulder tap

10 count right leg and left leg step up

mosey back to start



Pray for $5 footlong who is struggling

Pray for Undertow’s dad

look for Memorial Day Workouts announcement