“I’m Back”

QIC: Bevo

Date: 5/11/2020

PAX: Van Gogh, Greenspan, Turnover, Wobegon, Drip, Catfish, Light Brigade, Pony Express

First, I want to thank all those who waited patiently for F3 to resume!   It was great being back out with the guys.

The Q led off with the typical SSHs…would you expect less?  Then I asked the Site Q to lead Arm Swirly Things while I READ the disclaimer and quizzed the 5 principles.  Then we did some AVs to be followed by a slow walk to the tennis courts. The Q led a few laps around the court to get the legs warmed, or at least try to.  Then we stopped to explain the workout/game!

(Disclaimer, the Q brought 10 little 🎲 for each Pax WITH sanitizer )

The Game:

Baseball themed but you partner up, when you are at home plate, you get three chances to roll doubles. If you strike out, penalty…and that is a Burpee. When you get a pair/double, you get a hit and move to the next base (Everyone moves forward a base. Each base there is a different workout being done while the “batters” roll.  1st base was Goblet Squats…2nd base was Low Flutter…and 3rd base was One Armed DB Snatch while alternating each arm. You do work at each base while the “Batters” roll and do their Burpees.

(PS: the batters must do the amount of burpees they roll on their individual dice if it isn’t a double…worst case scenario would be 18 burpees per at bat.  i.e. if you roll a 5 and your partner rolls a 2, you do 5 burpees and he does 2.)

Make sense?

We had at least 4 ABs each.  Which left a little time for Murray (ask Van Gogh).  He asked if we could get some Merkins in.  So we circled up  and did a few different forms of Merkins while ending with a few hand-release, exploding hands of the ground in the air Merkins.


Music: AC/DC on shuffle


Prayers: $5 Footlong’s health, Catfishes Father in Law’s health, HOG’s community and Praise Pony’s son for passing Physics.

2 observations:

– Greenspan possibly sweats more any Pax EVER!  His sweat trail was definitely not quarantine approved.

– Turnover’s burpee form is pretty rigid when he is playing prevent D against the Browns. 💩