TRQ/Distillery Virtual Convergence

QIC: 60 Minutes (TRQ) and Boomerang (The Distillery)

Date: 4/2/2020

15 of each for warmarama-SSH, IST, arm swirlies F&B, overhead claps, seals claps, whirly with the clap, abe vigoda

As we are all using a thing called Zoom, thought it appropriate to begin the Thang with an appropriate tune from Aretha Franklin-“Who Zoomin Who”, so when the music begins do squats until you hear the first round of who’s zoomin who then do a burpee each  time you hear it, and the good news you get to do squats between each chorus.  Guarantee that you will not think of a Zoom meeting in the same way ever again.

Next choose a weight or weighted object suitable for your ambitions for the day, make it a good one

Round 1

Exercises:  10 of each Benchpress, Overhead Press and Curls

Bearcrawl to the end of driveway and back

Round 2

Exercises: 10 of each WWII Situps, American Hammers and Alabama Prom Dates

Side shuffle to end of driveway and back

Round 3

Exercises: 10 each Monkey Hummers, Lunge (each leg) and Plank Jacks

Bunny Hop to end of driveway and back

Round 4

Exercises: 10 of each Merkins, Skull Crushers and Bus Drivers

Imperial Storm Troopers to end of driveway and back

Repeato but increase to 20 each round, go as long as there is time.

Enjoy and stay safe!!