VH1 with the Vert Q at IS…BEVO Style


Date: 03/27/2020

Love ya, Miss ya and I plan to WRECK YA!

Hope everyone is being smart during this calm before the storm.  Our bond as men will shine brightly during this city’s time of need and remember we must lean on Him to strengthen us further.

For tomorrow, Here is what I suggest:


Warm A Rama:

Give it a good 7 (my lucky number) minutes to warm up your legs and arms.  Suggestions…Abe V’s, Several WMDs, Whirley’s, and Arm Circle Things.  Then go for about a 400 meter jog (aim for about a 3 minute pace, go slow and truly mosey)  should be a total of a 10 minute warm up.


The Multiple Thangs:


  1. Mark out 10 Meters…You will run 10 meters in 1 minute, then the start of the 2nd minute you run 20 Meters (there and back), at the start of the 3rd minute you run 30 Meters.  You go until you cannot run your total Meters with that same minute.  (i.e. 1oth Minute you should try to run a 100 Meters (there and back)).   Once you get knocked out, then you either Al Gore or Plank till last person finishes.
  2. After that chaos is done, pull out your phone and pull up the song “Flower” by Moby (yes, yes you are going to do Green Sally Up).  Every time he says “down”, you squat…every time he says “up”, stand up.  Lots of squats here.
  3. More music…Pull up the song “Lovely Day” by Bill Withers (you will love this song if you never heard it).  Every time he and the background singers says “Lovely Day” you will do a Merkin.  After tomorrow I will  reveal how many you would/should have done.
  4. ANOTHER SONG!!!!  Pull Up the song “Thunderstruck” by ACDC.  Not only a great song, but even better for what I am about to suggest.  EVERY time he says “Thunder” or “Thunderstruck” you will do a Burpee!!!  HAHAHAHA.  Wait for the end. 😉  You better get up quick.


Sweet MARY, Mother of…ABS:

If you have done things like the above said with a little transition included, we should have about 20 minutes left.  Just enough time to shred those abs and knock off any quarantine gut you may have developed. 🙂

  1. EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)  with no rest between, you will do an exercise that focuses on your core or lower back.  This is a dealers choice, but I will give you a few ideas to get started.  The main point of this will be NOT to REPEAT ANY of the exercises.

– Low Flutters, Penguins, Mountain Climbers, Plank, Super Man’s, Big Boy Sit-ups, Box Cutters, Gas Pumps, Mission Impossibles (on your stomach with both feet and hands hovering off the ground), Heels to Heaven, LBCs, Crunchy Frogs, American Hammers, Jane Fonda’s (each side for a minute), Mutton Crunch (each side for a minute)…to name a few. 🙂


YOU GOT THIS MEN!  Let me know what you think about this work out.


Bevo OUT!

1 Comment

  • Spicoli
    March 28, 2020 9:46 am

    Thanks for the beatdown plan, Bevo! Chitchat and I are doing this from home. Appreciate your leadership and inspiration

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