Pump Fakes Are A Real Thing

QIC: PostHole

Date: 03/10/2020

PAX: $5 Footlong, Offsides(WD), Huckleberry, Hedwig(WB), Zima, Van Gogh, Lysol, PITA and PostHole

It all started innocently enough with a short tweet hinting at Tabata. Of course, YHC had no plan whatsoever for a Tabata workout. YHC had a plan for what would be a Flatline worthy beatdown. Following a few short texts with the Site Q a few tweaks were made that would allow for a beatdown that could be modified slightly. The result was what YHC still refers to as a “good grind”. It went something like this:


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • ARM SWIRLY THINGS x 10?15?20 IC
  • ABE VIGODA x 5 or 6

So the MC did not ramp up…… It was full bore from jump. YHC was immediately thrown off or never really on target anyway. You will have to question a PAX that was there. Either way, YHC pulled the plug on the warmup pretty quickly and we were off.


PAX moseyed from the parking lot up to Fourth Street, made a few right turns and back down the Strollway to Corpening Plaza. Upon arrival we found $5 Footlong already there and completing OYO exercises, injured foot and all #HIM. We also found a well placed piece of cardboard. Instructions were given to the PAX for Seven Layers of Dip.

Dips at the fountain at the top of Corpening Plaza. Start with 3 and increase by 3 with every round/layer (3,6,9……).

Run down the stairs and to the bottom of the plaza to complete the following:

  1. 10 x Hand Release Merkins and 10 x Viaducts/Aquaducts/Side Crunches on each side
  2. 10 x Copperhead Squats and 20 x LBCs
  3. 10 x Wide Merkins and 10 x Nolan Ryans on each side
  4. 10 x Right Staggerrd Squat and 20 x American Hammers
  5. 10 x Diamond Merkins and 20 x Freddie Mercuries
  6. 10 x Left Staggered Squat and 20 x Low Flutters
  7. 10 x Mike Tysons and 20 x Low Dollies

After this round, there was still time and a few fastholes exclaimed that they would complete an EC lap for the six. The look on their faces was priceless when YHC exclaimed that we were going to UNWIND IT! I mean it is FlatLine, amiright !?!

The PAX dug in and kept pushing until YHC called it a 6:10. A few took the long way back to the parking lot and the rest a direct route. All PAX continued to move until 6:15.



ZimaWeek 2020 has concluded. Seemingly with minimal scaring and no fanfare.


  • $5 Footlong has a foor injury that is really testing him mentally and physically. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
  • Unspoken prayers

YHC took us out.


Hats of to $5 Footlong for the push this morning. Even with an injury the guy pushed through the whole time.

Great to see PITA back at it.

YHC apologizes to those hoping for Tabata. There is always tomorrow.

Honor to lead such a strong group this morning.




1 Comment

  • 5$ Footlong
    March 11, 2020 1:08 pm

    Strong work, Posthole! Thank you for stepping up and VQ’ing Flatline, #HIM. The Dips seemed neverending…It was great to be able to modify to a walk out and back from the Launch, and then stay stationary doing the dips at the bottom of corpening plaza. I look forward to having you on the calendar again, you might need to really get some of the PAX back for the incessant mumblechatter. I see burpees in the future….

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