A Second Chance at The Estate

QIC: Turnover

Date: 3.2.20

PAX: Chisel , Cherry Pie , Snooki , Focker , Manscape (WD) , Wobegon , Razzie , Drip , Cheesesteak , H.O.G. (WB) , Turnover (Q)

Prior to last Friday morning, YHC was tentatively planning on attending @Van Gogh’s Murph at #TheOuthouse this fine Monday morning.  That was up until @H.O.G. sensed an opportunity toward the end of our #BBBC run on Friday to take advantage of YHC’s delirium and sprang the question “hey, can you Q at #TheEstate on Monday?”.  I already don’t think too quickly on my feet and, unable to come up with a valid excuse, the confirmation was given.

In preparation for this Q at the most prestigious of AO’s, YHC stumbled across some notes from a previous Q here and realized there were a few activities that we didn’t quite get to the last time I Q’d at RV.  The plan had taken shape.  Let’s investigate.


At 0530 exactly, YHC recited the F3 Mission Statement and Core Principles perfectly and we were off.

Mosey around inner loop of RV and back to launch

Warm O Rama

Abe V’s x8 IC

Michael Phelps x12 IC

Toy Soldier x15 IC

Jack Reacher x20 IC

SSH x15 IC

Hillbillys x12 IC

Mosey to lower lot below launch

Dirty McDeuce

4 rounds of 3 exercises, 12 reps each with a lap around the loop in between each

Round 1

Wide Merkins, Jump Squats, Heels to Heaven –> Lap

Round 2

Merkins, Copperhead Squats, Freddy Mercs –> Lap

Round 3

Diamond Merkins, Mary Katherines, Penguin Crunch –> Lap

Round 4

Hand Release Merkin, Lunges, Crunchy Frog –> Lap

Plank for 6

10 Burpees

Mosey to bottom of hill below Silo for Elevens (Burpees and WW2’s)

1 Burpee at bottom of hill, run to top of hill 10 WW2’s

2 Burpees at bottom of hill, run to top of hill 9 WW2’s

Repeat pattern until only 1 WW2 performed at top of hill

Running out of time, Mosey back to launch for Mary



Low Flutter

American Hammer



Announcements/Prayer Requests

March 7th Convergence at Jamison Park. Zima and Whirly have the Q. Launch will be at 0700. EH an FNG!

@BlueSteel is hoping to get his prosthetic on Wednesday (!!).

@CherryPie gave a great reminder that Lent is not just a time of giving things up, but also a time of self-reflection.  Encouragement for all of us as we strive to become #HIM.

YHC took us out thanking Him for our blessings, great weather, and the reminder to be positive influences to those around us.


@H.O.G. continued his beastly ways of getting an EC run in (despite #RunRangerRun being over). 3 miles pre-beatdown. Savage.

YHC was happy to hear that @Cherry Pie’s scare with a hamstring tweak at #WIB last week was a “false positive”. This was clearly the case because he, stop me if you’ve heard this one before, led the way all morning.

Not a ton of MC to speak of as most of the prescribed exercises were OYO counts, but this group put some serious work in.

Excellent examples of encouragement and pushing each other displayed throughout the morning, but especially at the end of the 11’s.  Those things sucked and it was great seeing guys push each other and everyone picking up the 6 at the end.

It’s always an honor to lead the HIM of F3 Winston Salem. YHC hopes the difficulty of the beatdown was up to the standards of the savages that frequent #TheEstate.

Thanks for the keys, H.O.G.  I dropped them somewhere in between the bottom of that hill and the front door of Silo.


1 Comment

  • 5$ Footlong
    March 3, 2020 2:57 pm

    In typical #TO fashion…this looks completely horrible. #GoodScars. I hope it was refreshing for all pax in attendance. I’m personally feeling refreshed reading the #BB…knowing I didnt have to perform that entire bout of funishment. #FOMO tho.

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