Valentine’s Day OG Urban Jaunt

QIC: JuiceBox

Date: 2/14/2020

PAX: Thor, Saq, The Vig, Charmin, Beverly, Shakes, Doublewide, Balco, Peacemaker, Homebody, Cherub, Chomper, Manscape, Burlap, Butter, VanPelt

Thankfully the count for Tractors this AM was 0. YHC had dutifully pre-driven the course to confirm Brookstown was reopened but forgot to scout out the Strollway which appears to still be closed. Either that, or they are still out there…sorry…

A group of us set off first and were nearly immediately greeted by the screams of some wild creature which probably resulted in a fast first half-mile. VanPelt removed “the vine” from the course. The vine was noted to be a long time West End fixture in a particular tree. Someone should pick it up and carve something cool out of it. Eventually the pack spread out a bit and I was glad to be in the company of Doublewide and his bro-in-law Charmin on loan from F3 Johnson City. Doublewide tried to install confidence that I would not get them lost even as I took an early turn (I was having flashbacks from the time we ended up at MLK, where is Chestnut?) instead of Patterson and spent a few seconds at a locked gate before re-setting on the right course. It was a tense moment… but in the end no mileage gained or lost. We came across the Urban Assault boys who took advantage of our passing to get distracted from their workout, but the warm greeting was nice. All made it home safely.

Thanks to Balco via Closer for handing me the show for this morning, proud to lead you men. JuiceBox

Announcements: Except for Lunch bunch were light on announcements and prayer requests, perhaps because VanPelt stated “lets get outta here,” and he is a leader!

YHC took us out with prayer.