Staying Dry for the WIB

QIC: Turnover

Date: 2.13.20

PAX: Burlap (WD) , Mutton , Palin , H.O.G (WB) , Turnover (Q)

Rain on Thursday morning was the forecast all week.  YHC had zero interest in being in the rain for any longer than absolutely necessary, and figured most of the PAX would feel the same.  As such, a centrally-located parking deck was in order, and the Piedmont Plaza was the perfect spot.  Admittedly, YHC had never been to this parking deck since I had to miss last week’s WIB due to Q responsibilities at #TRQ, and the other time that @Greenspan led a WIB there, we had some….communication issues. Interesting story there.

Anywho, I scouted the AO the day before and came up with the beatdown.  Here’s how it went.

Enter the parking deck on the Miller Street entrance (Level 3)

Travelling Warm O Rama to get us down to Level 1. There would be a working station at each of the 4 levels with some other fun stuff thrown in. PAX were instructed to perform 6 reps of each exercise on the first round, 12 reps the second round, 18 reps the third round, and we’d descend from there.  Spoiler alert: we didn’t really get to descend.


Level 1

Mike Tyson’s


Mary Katherines (double count)

Level 2

WMDs (this was so dumb…, so, so dumb)

Full Extension Crunches

180 degree Jump Squat

Level 3

Carolina Dry Docks

Heels to Heaven

Monkey Humpers

Level 4

Spider Burpees

*PAX would start at Level 1 and work their way up to Level 4.  PAX were also instructed to perform 6, 12, or 18 pull ups on their way back down the parking deck on each corresponding loop.

All PAX got through the round of 18 reps and re-convened at the Level 3 entrance to knock out the beginning of the 4th round of exercises for 12 reps.

This was a beast of a workout with all PAX covering no less than 2.25 miles going up and down that parking deck.  Strong work men.


Prayers/Praise for Palin, his M, and his brand new 2.0

Prayers for Honey Badger and his family

Prayers for YHC’s M

H.O.G. has a team for the 3-2-1 run on March 21st at the Fairgrounds

YHC took us out thanking Him for our blessings and asking Him to draw those of us in need close to Him.


@Palin triumphantly returned from his *checks notes* 6 day absence from posting a mere 48 hours after the birth of his first child. Not sure who I’m more impressed by: @Palin for posting or @Palin’s M for allowing him to post.  Leaning toward the latter.

While the plan was to stay out of the rain entirely for the duration of the beatdown, @Mutton made it clear that if being in the rain was involved, he was OUT. All other PAX echoed this sentiment.

YHC got an HC from @Burlap late last night even though he suspected it would be tough.  What a beast.

@H.O.G. did @H.O.G. things all morning and led the way from the jump.  Must be a big Wheaties guy.

Lessons Learned: WMD’s (especially 18 of them) are dumb.  Spider Burpees hit the “excessive” threshold around 3 or 4 reps. *insert ‘The More You Know’ gif*

It’s always an honor to lead the HIM of F3 Winston Salem.  Always thankful for the push and accountability.  Thanks for the keys, @Burns.  They are probably somewhere in the parking deck.

1 Comment

  • 5$ Footlong
    February 13, 2020 2:58 pm

    This looks perfectly terrible. Great work coming up with this funishment, Turnover! You guys are animals.

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