Out with the old…and the first couple of decades of the 2000s

QIC: Gucci

Date: December 31, 2019

PAX: Drama Queen, Boomerang, Bulldog, Starfish

On a chilly last morning of 2019, 5 pax came together to enjoy some fellowship, and the most challenging game of F3 putt putt that anyone could remember.  We started with a #Gucciwarmup, followed by a series of putts to determine which exercises were going to take place, and for how many reps.  For some reason, Gucci’s excellent course design skills mostly resulted in 8 reps of everything…so we have to chalk that up to horrible course design as a result of a few less decades of experience in such endeavors.


Outside of that, Gucci managed to talk his way out of an EC run when inadvertently making a joke about being so much younger than the rest of the crew…how long those good graces might last before wearing out is anyone’s guess!



  • 6-year anniversary convergence @ 7AM @ IS in Hanes Park

Prayer Requests:

  • A healthy year ahead, especially for the RESPECT-able F3 membership
  • DQ’s father-in-law is leaving the hospital
  • Gucci’s former Soldier was killed in a horrible accident where she was hit by a drunk driver.  She is the mother of a 2 year old child.