Murphing it to the classics

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 01/20/20

PAX: THE Pony Express, Zima (WB), Drip, Splash, Drama Queen (WD), Spamalot


One of the many benefits of working for a bank include having the day off for Federal holidays.  Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. day.  YHC is not sure if completing a Murph is an appropriate way to honor Dr. King. Maybe it is. I know that for about an hour this morning, 6 men worked together to accomplish a task.

With classic rock tunes playing, we completed the following:

Run 1 mile

100 pull ups

200 push ups

300 squats

Run 1 mile


Everyone finished.  Some modified as necessary.  All are better for it.



Everyone but Zima broke the Murph up into 10 equal segments.  Run the loop .2 miles and then complete 10/20/30.  Repeat 10 times.  Zima did it the old fashioned way.   Oh yeah, with a weight vest.

Drip and Splash were out front the whole time.  Overachievers.

Pony, DQ and YHC held our own.


Quick story that YHC did not share.  Back in 1993-1995, while YHC was living in Hawaii, I had an encounter with Dr. King.  Well, obviously not Dr. King.  YHC and my M were on Kauai, the oldest of the major islands.  We were at a Luau.   One of the other guests was the late Yolanda King, the oldest of Dr. King’s children.  I remember her being gracious and kind.


I encourage you to take a few minutes today and everyday to think about Dr. King and his unfinished legacy.



Mayhem launch point has officially moved to Jamison Park.

DQ has an original short play that will be performed at the old Garage location on February 14.  Our very own Beverly and Huckleberry are staring in it!


DQ took us out giving thanks.


Thanks gentlemen.  Great way to start the day.