Parliament 12/17

QIC: Schneider

Date: 12-17-19

PAX: 60 minutes,DQ, Sour Mash, Huckleberry, Offsides, Gucci, Harden, Schneider

After learning at VI that Gucci didn’t line up a Q or forgot to add it to the calendar YHC reached out and told him I’d fill in.

YHC arrived to a parking lot full of vehicles given the wet conditions. We assembled under the shelter and the music was activated. Sour Mash did not approve of the first song that played during warmup “we no speak americano”

Warm up: SSH, Whirly w/clap, arm swirly things forward, backwards, seal claps, overhead claps, Abe Vigoda, Steve earls.

Tabata till time was up working upper body,legs, and abs. 1 min on 30 sec. off.

announcements: Q’s needed for Parliament get with Gucci. Q’s needed for TheDistillery get with Schneider

One of 60 minutes 2.0 has a birthday today


Prayers: 60 minutes childhood friends dad passed.
Sour Mash and YHC cousin with her upcoming double mastectomy.