Cold As Dice

QIC: SGT Schultz

Date: December 19, 2019

PAX: Fender (WB), Schneider, SGT Schultz (WD), Sour Mash

YHC led a small but resolute pack of PAX during a cold but invigorating beatdown at The Distillery.

WARMARAMA:  A typical medley of SSHs, Hillbillies, Arm Swirly Things, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Whirlies, and some various stretches.

THE THANG:   YHC set up 6 different pain stations roughly equally distributed around the perimeter of the parking lot at Clemmons First Baptist Church.   Each was equipped with a number, a Weinke with 2 listed exercises, some weights (if applicable) and 2 lights for visibility.  The stations were as follows:

  1.   Arms — Curls & Skull Crushers (equipped with pairs of 20 & 25 lb dumbbells)
  2.   Legs — Monkey Humpers & Squats (equipped with several weights spanning from 18 to 35 pounds)
  3.   Abs — Crunchy Frogs and Heels to Heaven
  4.   Shoulders — Overhead Press and Upright Rows (equipped with several weights spanning from 30 to 35 pounds)
  5.   Shoulders — Side raises & Front Raises (equipped with pairs of 10 & 15 lb dumbbells)
  6.   Chest — Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks

In the center of the parking lot was a seventh station equipped with some dice, a Weinke listing 2 exercises:  SSHs & Burpees, along with some music and a light for visibility.

We divided into two 2-man buddy teams, Schneider and Fender in one and Sour Mash and YHC in the other.   We started at the center pain station, where we performed either 15 SSHs or 5 Burpees .   After that, one member from each team rolled a six sided die.   Whatever number was rolled controlled which pain station that buddy team went.  Run from the center station to the numbered rolled’s pain station, where each PAX performed 15, 20 or 25 reps of the first listed exercise (whatever amount was a challenge (and using a weight of your choosing, if applicable)).  Upon completion, run back to the center, and perform whatever exercise (15 SSH or 5 Burpees) that you didn’t do the previous time.  The other teammate rolls the next die, and Repeato, Repeato Repeato.   Alternate between the exercises at each pain station for variety

We continued until 0614, at which point Fender led us in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooong set of American Hammers until 0615.

Sour Mash and YHC went to Station 6 four separate time and Station 1 at least three times, but we never once rolled a 5.  Go figure.


  • Schneider needs Qs for The Distillery


  • Prayers for Sour Mash’s & Schneider’s cousin, who is undergoing a double mastectomy today
  • Prayers for Fender’s MIL, who is exhibiting frequent forgetfulness that is concerning
  • YHC led us out in prayer

Thanks for the keys, Schneider!!