Suicide Squad

QIC: Schneider

Date: 10-24-19

PAX: Gucci, Van Gogh, Schneider

Van Gogh and Road Apple got some running in while YHC put some miles on the bicycle prior to the beat down. Road Apple pulled out as Gucci arrived in a different car than he’s usually in. Van Gogh thought it was a possible FNG he’s been after.

Warm up: SSH, IST, Arm Swirly forward/backward, seal clap, overhead clap, Whirly w/clap, standing hamstring stretches

The Thang:

No real plan in place as I was expecting low numbers due to most of the regulars preparing  for the Tuna tomorrow. Walked to shelter to grab a block and then proceed to large parking lot. Instructed the pax that we would do called exercise then do a suicide run after each called exercise was done. 3 parking spaces, 6, 9 then next exercise so on and so on. Most work was IC X 15, no cadence was 30 reps.

overhead press, curls for the girls, goblet  squats, skull crushers were IC. Block Irkins, Merkins, and Block Swings were OYO. The order was split up. Final 3 rounds were overhead press, curls IC, and skull crushers OYO. Returned blocks and found some wall.

wall sit, Jack reachers X  25, Mike Tyson’s X 12, wall sit, wonder bras X 25, rebound drill X 20, wall sit, Jack reachers X 25, BTW as long as you can, wall sit, wonder bras X 25. Walk back to shelter to octogenarian pick nick table for 15 R leg step ups, 20 Dips, 15 L leg step ups.

Mary: LBC’s, penguin crunch, low flutter, box cutter, mutton crunch L/R, American hammer, pickle pounders.


Announcements: BBBC launch from River Oaks Church.

Watch Twitter for updates and announcements with #BlueSteal .

Prayers: Blue Steal and his family and the usual ones as of late.

Safe travels and run for the Tuna runners this weekend.


Van Gogh took us out.