Running Late at The Estate

QIC: Turnover

Date: 10.21.19

PAX: Plunger , Van Gogh , Razzie , Snooki , Balco , Winklevoss , Patch , Undertow , Zuckerberg , Manscape (WD) , Drip , HOG (WB) , Chisel , Former FNG Pee Wee , Turnover (Q)

Brisk, fall-like temperatures were finally upon us for the latest installment of The Estate.  A cast of the (mostly) usual suspects were on hand (as well as the #FastHoles from SpeedTrap mentioned above).  Let’s check it out.

Warm O Rama

SSH’s , IW’s, AST’s, Abe V’s, Merks, and Squats


Mosey around Reynolda Village and back up to the courtyard next to M. Christophers

PAX were instructed to find some wall for……..Descending Donkeys.

10 Donkey Kicks followed by a 10 count hold followed by 2 Merkins

9 Donkey Kicks followed by a 9 count hold followed by 2 Merkins

This pattern continued all the way down to 1 repetition.  A true burner to start the morning.

Mosey back to launch so YHC could pick up his cardboard weinke(s)

Mosey down to bridge headed toward campus

Lunge Walk to nearest light pole past bridge (It was at this moment that YHC realized he had underestimated the number of light poles that lead down the path toward campus….there was a tentative plan that involved using the light poles as landmarks on our trek to the quad, but that plan was quickly scrapped upon the realization that this part of the path houses more light poles per capita than anywhere else in the world.)


Mosey down the path and stop for 25 Plank Jacks OYO

Mosey up to the lower lot next to Winston Hall for Bear Crawl DB Drills (shout out Site Q and Mongeezy)

Upon collecting the 6, we moseyed up to the quad for some station work.

Station 1 – Burpees

Station 2 – Merkins

Station 3 – Squats

Station 4 – Abdominals

PAX completed 10 reps at Station 1, 20 reps at Station 2, 25 reps at Station 3, and 20 reps at Station 4.

YHC wildly overestimated the amount of time we would have up at the quad, so we only made it around 2 complete rounds

After the completion of our 2nd round, it was time to head back to launch, but not before completing a bonus 10 Burpees

Mosey back to launch

Major #QFail as YHC was not able to get the PAX back to launch by 6:15, but we all strolled in not too far past 6:16.

As we were already past curfew, there was no time for MARY.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Snooki gave everyone an update on Blue Steel.  Please continue to pray for Blue Steel and his family.

If you’d like to help out with providing a meal for Blue Steel and his family, you can sign up to do that here.

Also, I believe some guys are trying to coordinate helping Blue Steel and his family move either on Nov. 1st or Nov. 8th. Check twitter for details.  Additionally, if you’re able to stop in to see him, please do.  He is at Baptist, in the North Tower, Room 609 (that is the last I heard about where he is, if that information is not correct, someone please say so.)

During his update, Snooki relayed that Blue Steel said  “F3 is so much more than just a workout. The workout is the excuse to get together, but what happens beyond that is something special.”

I am not eloquent enough to say anything more that would top that.  It’s the absolute truth, and situations such as these provide the opportunity for us to step up, back up what we talk about, and be our brother’s keeper.  We pick up our guys in times of need, no questions asked.

Thanks for the keys, Huckleberry.  As always, it was an honor to lead.