If you can’t Q it, you can still write the backblast

QIC: Schnieder (sub for Whirly)

Date: 10/17/19

PAX: Schneider, Harden, Sour Mash, 60 Minutes, Littlehouse, Drama Queen

Six pax gathered to get stronger under YHC’s lead this morning, but YHC has the crud, so…they got stronger under Schneider’s lead, who graciously agreed to take my weinke/plan and try to make sense of it, to wit:


The workout consisted of partner dynamic/static switcharoo ladder exercises. One partner did the dynamic exercise for 20 reps while the partner held a static position, then they switched. After the first set of 20, the pax did 15 reps of the dynamic exercise while the partner held the static position, then the same with 10 reps, then 5 reps.

The exercise combinations were as follows:
Dynamic- dirkins
Static- Al Gore

Dynamic- box jumps
Static- 6”

Dynamic- heels to heaven
Static- balls to the wall

Run 200 meters

Dynamic- merkins
Static- lunge left leg forward

Dynamic- step-ups
Static- 45 degrees

Dynamic- gas pumps
Static- decline plank

Run 200 meters

Dynamic- dips
Static- lunge right leg forward

Dynamic- donkey kicks (standing) aka ass kickers
Static- Superman

Dynamic- low flutter
Static- plank

Run 200 meters

Dynamic- overhead press
Static- bench lunge left (right leg on bench and lunge forward with left leg)

Dynamic- tuck jumps
Static- banana

Dynamic- penguin crunch
Static- dip starting position

Dynamic- alternating shoulder taps
Static- bench lunge right

Dynamic- squats
Static- American hammer

Dynamic- LBCs
Static- skull crushers

Since I wasn’t there, I’m not sure what the MC was like, so I’ll just make some up:

60 Minutes bragged all morning about how two out of three of his golf partners preferred his balls to Whirly’s balls.

Littlehouse kept reminding DQ that Littlehouse was an App. State grad, and App. State beat UNC in football this year.

Harden is still hungover from the trip he made to watch UVA play Notre Dame (from both UVA’s poor play and the drinking).

Schneider kept mumbling, “Man, I love Whirly’s weinke.”

Sour Mash mostly thought to himself, but said outloud one time, “This is why I sign up for stuff like the Tuna Run- so I can avoid workouts like this.”

DQ surprised everyone by saying, “I’m actually glad Whirly is under the weather…not because I want Whirly to be under the weather, but because I am DYING to take Whirly’s place as Q at Charlie Foxtrot on Saturday.”

Either Whirly or DQ will Q Charlie Foxtrot on Saturday.

$5 Footlong is leading the anniversary convergence in Greensboro Saturday and there will be a clown car leaving from Bailey Park at _______ AM. (Somebody help me out in the comments)

Member of Schneider’s family and DQ’s family.

DQ took the pax out.

1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    October 20, 2019 9:44 am

    Reading this BB, makes me feel like I was there too

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