Don’t Throw Baby in the Ditch – Mayhem 10.23.2019

QIC: 5$ Footlong

Date: 10.23.2019

PAX: Turnover, Seatback, Red Eye, Full Upright Position (WB), Dutch Dog, Rundown (WD), LaZyBoy, Offsides, Posthole, H.O.G., 5$ Footlong

#MAYHEM 10.23.2019

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of a car accident I was involved in last year where a lady barreled into me from behind. I wanted to celebrate how far I’ve come from that moment with a super special beatdown.***


11 Pax started their morning with something that looked like as follows.

Warm-a-rama, 4 Corners of AO launch parking lot where the pax performed:

SSH ic x 10 & 5 Merkins, Mosey to next corner

Arm Circles Forward/Reverse ic x 10 & 5 Merkins, Mosey to next corner

IST ic x 10 & 5 Merkins, Mosey to next corner

Slow Abe Vigodas, 3Count ic each leg x 8 & 5 Merkins


Pax then simply Mosey’d to the Rock Pile at the entrance to Meadowlark Elementary where they found a series of Shared Burdens (Aka Rock Moving Exercises).


The Pax Partnered up and Picked both a large and medium-ish rock from the pile. Partner A ran to the top of the traffic circle in front of the school and returned.  While Partner B was waiting on Partner A to return, B performed the following AMRAP style:


Overhead Press

Bent Over Rows

Upon both Partners completing the said above circuits, YHC Unleashed the meat of THE THANG…..

The Pax then were instructed to choose a single burden (rock, 1 per partner set) for the entirety of the beatdown….1 Little hitch….

DON’T DROP THE BABY:  AKA do not let your rock touch the ground or bench….punishment for said actions would require 5 burpees for all pax. Pax were instructed to share each others burdens, but could not request their partner take it from them.

The pax then lined up in 2 lines with Burden Holders in one line and the willing Burden takers in the other line. The Pax then Indian Run Mosey’d toward Jamison park down the main driveway and through the bus parking lot. The Pax stopped off at wall on the side of the school for still MORE partner work. While the burdened partner performed an exercise in peoples chair format the unburdened partner would plank counting to 20, then flap jacking with their burdened partner. Wall exercises included.

People’s Chair, Burden in lap

People’s Chair, Burden overhead Jack Reacher style

People’s Chair, Holding Burden in front of body

Upon completion the Pax continued their Indian Run Burden Sharing routine all the way to the shelter at Jamison Park where they found….


Continuing with our Partner work & Burden Sharing theme….The non burdened partner ran a lap of the parking lot while their burdened partner performed the following at the shelter on the conveniently placed benches;;;

Alternating Step Ups

Six Touch Squats (Touch your six to the bench)

Alternating Lunges

After the Lunge circuit, The Pax were thrown a curveball…Now the running pax taking a lap had to carry the burden while the partner at the shelter mtn climbed….what a smoke show and real crowd pleaser…particularly enjoyed by Offsides.

Omaha was called, Trees were hugged waiting on the six.

We got ourselves to Jamison Park Indian running, sharing our burdens, so YHC instructed the pax to make their way back to the burden pile in the same manor.

Once back to the rock pile, the entire pax offloaded their burdens completely….with a humble 5 burpee celebration.

The Pax then Moseyed back to Launch.

Kind of wild that all fit in 45 minutes….can you believe that?


COT – 


Farm Run at Crossnore is coming up soon! Wobegon and Burns ran it last year. Run is on 12/15


Prayer Requests:

#BlueSteel # SteelStrong – Our Brother Doug Williams a.k.a Blue Steel was in an pretty terrible accident last Friday. Looking for our region to step up and support the Williams family in as many ways as we can. His family is moving soon, either the weekend of Nov 2nd, or the 8th. be on the lookout for details on twitter. Our very own Snooki and Blue Steel’s actual brother is running point on details. #Cheesesteak is also spearheading some logistics for future support endeavors, @oneenrg on twitter. There is already an established meal signup here:

Security Code / Password is “williams”

#LiteBrite – Is in the hospital, prayers for healing.

#LittleHouse – Son and Family had an incredible weekend, more treatments this week.

#Turnover – Personal family friends killed in a recent car accident.



  • Good luck keeping up with The H.O.G… the Gloom. Seriously…also, he had stiff legs this morning….cmon!!!
  • Posthole just consistently dominated and pushed the pace all morning. Even during our Indian Run, whoaaaaaa partner!
  • LaZyBoy probably chose to share the biggest burden with Offsides….someone get that guy a weighted vest, Zima?!??! It’s like we felt your presence.
  • Full Upright Position Hard Committed to Mayhem last night, then shows up carries 2 burdens…..impressive dedication to acceleration.
  • WarDaddy and Running Boss, Rundown, showed no mercy with his burden this morning.
  • Great to see DutchDog and Seatback be able to make it out and they put in strong efforts.
  • Turnover, resident monster strongman, carried our shared burden the majority of the morning, and wouldn’t let me take it from him…Good leaders are first in and last out.
  • Red Eye looked strong and maybe even broke a sweat, next time we’ll get bigger rocks.


F3 means so much to me and has had a profound impact on my life. It is always a pleasure and gift to lead the men of our region through and in the Gloom. #TClaps gentlemen, Great work out there this morning.



***More Info on my car accident from last year. I’m still experiencing low levels of chronic neck pain that do not seem to have any treatment that reduces the pain level. Feels sore all the time.  It affects the quality of my sleep, and I have minor headaches constantly. I currently see a chiropractor who tries to do small manipulations to improve my status, but after almost a year of treatment from varying docs, I’m settling into an understanding that this is my new normal.