
QIC: Mutton

Date: 10/30/2019

PAX: Mutton, Snookie, Lamb Chop, Lawnboy, Juice Box, Palin, Chisel, Tarheel, Fokker, Greenspan

10 brave Pax got up early to beat the rain and enjoy some pain!  i just made that up as I typed this.  YHC likes to start with a short warm up jog and this morning was no exception.  Promptly at 5:30 we departed the parking lot, making a right on Sunset, followed by a left on Glade and another left on West End back to the main entrance of Hanes Park for some warm-a-rama.

Hamstring stretch

Whirley with a clap x 25

Hillbillies x 25

Carolina DD x 15

Plank Jacks x 15

Freddie mercs x 25

Burpees x 10

Rather than recycle an old routine, I tried something new.  We did not have far to go for YHC’s version of modified DORA.  This version requires no counting, but more running.  The Pax partnered up.  One partner ran up the Intimidator to the first stop sign and back while the other Pax executed Hand release Merkins.  Each Pax ran and performed Mekins 3 times.  Next we switched to Squats x 3 and finally Pickle Pounders x 3.

Since this was the first time with this routine, time starting running short.  We stayed at the main gate for 7 layers of dip.  7, 2 count dips between left leg step ups, right leg step ups, Derkins and Erkins.

Lastly, 5 minutes of Mary.

Today was a good mix of an aerobic workout and boot camp.  Good way to start a day where getting outside was going to be tough.  We beat the rain by 30 minutes.

YHC took us out by asking for God’s blessing for Blue Steel and my brother-in -law and Lamb Chops uncle, Mark.  Snookie gave an encouraging report on his brother.  Count your blessing everyday!