Cards at VI

QIC: SGT Schultz

Date: October 21, 2019

PAX: Drama Queen (WD), Schneider, SGT Schultz, Sour Mash (WB), THE Singing Cowboy

5 PAX (three of whom, Schneider, Sour Mash, and the Singing Cowboy, completed a 2.0 mile EC run beforehand) assembled on a cool Monday morning at the Clemmons YMCA to experience the fun of Village Idiocy, this time with a deck of cards

WARMARAMA:  SSHs, ISTs, Arm Swirly Things (forward & reverse), Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Whirlies with the Clap, Abe Vigodas, and several standing hamstring stretches and seated groin stretch

THE THANG:   Mosey to the picnic shelter on the front side of the YMCA alongside the cinder running track.  There, YHC had positioned some lights for visibility (there was no power to the shelter, which was unusual), some Weinkes and a deck of cards.

The card suits were organized as follows:

  • Spades = Merkins
  • Clubs = Dips (utilizing a picnic table bench)
  • Hearts = Monkey Humpers
  • Diamonds = Crunchy Frogs

Numbered cards represented their face value.  Jacks were worth 15 reps, Queens 20 reps, Kings 25 reps and Aces 30 reps. [Valuing the cards this way yielded a total of 144 reps of each exercise].  One PAX drew 4 cards, calculated the total number of each exercise to be done for that set based upon the cards drawn (which proved not to be so easy), and announced the reps to be completed.   The PAX  performed the various exercises and then ran along the track to the first corner adjacent to Peacehaven Road close to where the YMCA bus is parked and then ran back to the shelter.  (YHC estimates approximately 1/6 of a mile there and back).  Upon returning to the picnic shelter, the next PAX drew another 4 cards for the PAX to perform the exercises drawn.  REPEATO until 0615.  We finished 11 out of the 13 sets of 4. cards  Not too sure how many reps of each exercise that we performed (I didn’t check to see which cards of which suit were still left), but YHC would estimate somewhere in the neighborhood of 115-135 reps of each exercise and approximately 2 miles run before we ran out of time.


  • The Singing Cowboy has the Q for WIB on Thursday.  He plans to start from the First Presbyterian Church parking lot downtown
  • Schneider has the Q for The Distillery on Thursday


  • Prayers for Blue Steel, his family and for his medical care providers.  May the Lord help guide them as they move forward after a life-changing accident on Friday morning
  • Prayers for the Perry family, who are experiencing some difficult times
  • DQ’s sister in law’s father passed away at 99 years old, praises for a long life well lived
  • Prayers for those suffering from addiction and depression
  • The Singing Cowboy took us out in prayer

Thanks for the keys, Sassy!!