A damp morning to go to school

QIC: Gucci

Date: October 16, 2019

PAX: The Singing Cowboy, Manscape, Pancho

On a very rainy morning, a small but dedicated group of gentlemen helped Gucci outside of his comfort zone for his first ever workout at Bells and Whistles, which also happened to be his VQ at that site as well.  The downpours made many of the stations in the original plans not an option, so the group got together to jog under the covered bus area for yet another #Gucciwarmup, followed by Dora’s in halfway under cover.

Following the warm up, there was only enough time for the following Dora-related activities:

  • 100x ’round the world’ swings with the kettle-bells
  • 200x skull crushers
  • 300x kettle bell swings
  • 200x overhead presses

That was about all we had time for, after several sprints in the rain, and a move back across campus to the vehicles.


All were happy to hear of a new job for The Singing Cowboy, and have prayers for his family as he moves family back into the area for the winter from West Virginia.