Week 3 of IPC – Return of the Coupon

QIC: Turnover

Date: 9.18.19

PAX: Root Canal , Touch Me Not , Van Gogh , Offsides , Rust Bucket (WD) , Tweety Bird , La-Z-Boy , Splash , Spamalot , D-Day , Blue Light Special, Ziggy Stardust , Huckleberry , Full Upright Position (WB) , Drama Queen , Milkshake , former FNG Preacher , TarHEEL , Mudfoot, Turnover (Q)

This week’s version of Mayhem played host to Week 3 of the Iron PAX Challenge.  The boys from F3 Greenwood have been dishing out some seriously brutal “assignments” the past few weeks, and today was no different.  Instead of a timed circuit as in weeks past, this week’s flavor was AMRAP…for 43 flippin’ minutes. Oh and a 35+lb coupon was heavily (pun intended) involved. Hope you brought your big boy pants.  Here’s how it looked:

Meter’s 43

10 Pull-ups

15 Burpee Coupon Jump Overs

20 Coupon Curls

25 Coupon Squat Thrusters

30 Gas Pumps

REPEATO until time is called.

This week’s challenge was an absolute beast, but the #HIM of F3 Winston Salem showed up and showed out in a serious way.



D-Day’s M (along with FiA Winston Salem) has a team running in the Moonlight Madness 5k..need more runners.

Welcome to former FNG Preacher (Derek did not get last name). Milkshake’s buddy from Belize who, along with his M, are living with Milkshake for a few months.  Preacher and his M are missionaries.  Was an honor to have you with us, Preacher.  Cannot imagine that being my first post, but the guy got after it with no complaints whatsoever.

@Van Gogh will be Q’ing a Sexual Chocolate themed (that’s a beer, I’m told…so nobody report me for that statement).

YHC took us out, thanking Him for the ability to exercise our bodies and to not take that for granted.


Not much MC to speak of today as the PAX were split up between 3 different stations

The other #HIM at YHC’s station were probably unsettled by the sounds of my pain and anguish in completing the prescribed reps.  Even so, they didn’t let on like they were as everyone got after it and displayed serious #grit throughout.

@DQ checked with @Van Gogh on his Coupon Squat Thruster form after the beatdown, only to learn that he had been adding a couple additional steps to the move all along.  DQ seemed unfazed as he is an actual beast. Respect.

Major #TClaps to the guys who posted and either were not signed up for the IPC or were not aware of the IPC.  Yes, we were short on coupons, but these guys modified with no complaints and got after it anyway.

We did not get an official count from everyone, but from what YHC was able to gather, we had a handful of guys get 900+ reps in, led by Van Gogh (shocker) with 955. Well done, men.

YHC didn’t do much leading, as the beatdown was not of his own making, but it was an honor, nonetheless.