Too Humid for Fall at Run & Gun

QIC: Lawnboy

Date: 9/30/2019

PAX: 'Bout Time, Bueller, Hoptoberfest, JuiceBox, Lawnboy, Mutton, Sac

The weather was humid but not too hot.

The thang:

3.3 mile run around Buena Vista neighborhood.  Great to run with Hoptoberfest – he pushed the pace to keep us with Sac and Bueller most of the way – they were going for negative splits, which I’m pretty sure they achieved.

Running was followed by Tabata.  Tabata started by doing squats for “bring Sally up, bring Sally down” during about 3.5 minutes of “Flower” by Moby (I know, not technically Tabata).  Note: this seemed much longer than 3:25.

Next up was 3 sets of each exercise in couplets, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest for each; separated by a 30 second recovery.

Couplet #1:  Makhtar N’Diayes & Plank Jacks; note – a towel was almost a necessity for Makhtar N’Diayes due to elbow pain on the pavement – one pax went Chippendale to use his shirt for cushion.

Couplet #2:  American Hammer & X-factor

Couplet #3:  Merkins & Annie

YHC tried a new $10 speaker that was much louder in the test at home… but, it was better than just the phone speaker.

Name O’rama:  there must have been some recent birthdays as there was some confusion on age among a couple of PAX.

No announcements this morning.

Prayers for Bueller’s sister undergoing knee surgery today and for a friend going through a separation.  We also prayed for Ziggy Stardust to have a good outcome on some medical tests.